Chapter 27

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Now my summer starts!!



Tomrrow I had to be packed to drop my gear off at Ashton's. The day after tomorrow I leave for England. Everything seems so surreal. I called Josie last night, she will be joining us on the American leg, as she couldn't get time off school for that long. I blasted my music as I started packing. I literally packed everything I owned, I'm not even going to go into great detail. I left my leggings, a oversized hoodie and my black converse out as I would wear them on the flight I thought to myself. With everything packed I rolled my suitcases down the stairs and left them in the entrance before running back upstairs. I gathered up my chargers to make sure I knew where everything was for tomorrow night. We will be spending the night at Ashton's as his mum was our ride to the airport. That means tonight is my last night at home for a while.

"I'm home!"

I heard my dad call from the garage. He came home from Melbourne for 2 nights so he could see me off. I ran downstairs.


I yelled as I saw him,

"Hey kiddo, pumped to go overseas?"


"Come on guys lets all get some sleep"

Mum said walking into the lounge,

"We have to drop your stuff off at 11 tomorrow. Then Dad and I will spend time with you before we drop you back off at Ashtons again at 7"

Mum said, filling us in as she just got off the phone with Ashtons mum. I went up to my room, knowing I would be grumpy in the morning if I didn't get my sleep now.



I woke up at 10 and jumped into the only decent clothes I had, a pair of black shorts and a plain grey top. Lucky the weather was nice today,

"Toriii are you pumped!?!"

Dad yelled as soon as I appeared in the kitchen,

"Yeah, I guess"

"It will be great, for you Tee"

"I will miss you guys though"

I said pulling my parents in for a hug.

"Tee you are going to make amazing memories"

Mum said wiping the tears that started to form in my eyes. Dad nodded in agreement before going to start up the car and load my gear into the back seat,

"Lets get the show on the road"

Dad called out from the garage as I poured my tea into my travel mug and followed mum out to the car. We pulled up to Ashton's the same time as Luke and his mum,

"Hey buddy"

I said hugging Luke as he walked over to me,

"Toriiii luke"

Ashton called out and joined us on his driveway as our parents talked around my car. I grabbed my two suitcases and followed Luke towards Ashtons garage,

"Here lemme take that"

Ashton said taking one of my cases from me.

"I'm glad to see I didn't pack the most"

I said chuckling towards the 3 green suitcases that belonged to Michael.

"Tori, are you comming inside, we will be watching movies?"

Luke asked as he saw me walk back to my parents,

"I want to spend time with my parents before I leave. They will drop me back here at 7ish?"

"Okay, I'll miss youuu see ya then"

Luke said hugging me and ran back to join his bandmates. My parents and I went out for lunch to celebrate life in general. Once I was back home I begain to pack my carry on, my laptop and charger was in one of my suitcases along with my youtube camera. Which was already on its way to our hotel in England. So I just put my Ipad and charger in my carry on along with obvious things like sunglasses. I will charge my phone over night at Ashtons I thought to myself.

"Tori, can we come in?"


In walked my mum and dad, they looked a bit said. I needed to be at Ashton's in just over a hour.

"Tori we brought this for Matt but we want you to have it"

Dad informed me and handed me a blue wrapped gift. Slowly I unwraped it to revel a pair of black beats headphones, I couldn't believe my eyes!

"Thank you thank you"

I said hugging both my parents.

"Why don't you go to my office Tee and photocopy the information Liz gave you, so you will have a copy too?

"Thats a good idea actually"

I said as I raced downstairs and started up the photocopier. Once I collected my papers I walked back in my room to find my parents just sitting on my bed. I smiled as I put my polaroid and journal in along with my papers.

"What will you sleep in tonight?"

Mum asked as I put my last items in my carry on and zipped it up.

"Just this, I will bring that plastic bag with me to Ashtons to change into tomorrow for the flight. I will leave these at his. Could you pick it up sometime?"

"Course we will"

Dad said kissing me on the head,

"Look at you all grown up"

Mum sighed as I did one final check of my room,

"Awh mum"

I said hugging her,

"Come on you two lets get sushi and get little miss to her destination"

Dad said leading the way to the car. I put my new headphones in the bag and followed my parents out. I took one final look into my room, before closing the door. I watched out car back down the driveway. I have lived in my house for 5 years and haven't been away from it for more than a month at a time. All I knew was I was beyond excited for this new journey in my life.

AN: Heyooo, Cool 2 updates in one day!! Twitter had been adventful these last few nights eh?






- Hayley Outtt Xx

You guys are hella rad


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