Chapter 34

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I saw MockingJay today and it was so good I couldn't function afterwards




I woke up next to Luke, with his arms wrapped tightly around me I sighed in content.


I cooed, I wanted to wake him up before Calum and Michael found us. I love them like siblings but sometimes they just make things bigger than they need to be. Luke rolled over and put his hands on either side of my face. I giggled cupping his check, he lent in to kiss me,

"Luke, morning breath"

"I don't care, just kiss me"

I pulled him closer to me, his lips brushed my lips as the bedroom door spun open,

"OMG Calum, Luke and Tori had a sleepover again!"

"So did Ashton and Josie"

Luke let out a growl as he pulled away from me. I laughed as I pulled my covers over my head as Luke got changed. Once Luke and had both gotten ready to face the world we walked down the hall to face our friends.

"Morning boys, Josie"

Luke said walking into the kitchen and taking two mugs out of the cupboard.

"Have a nice sleep Lukey?"

Michael said slapping Luke on the shoulder, I rolled my eyes and went to sit by Josie at the dinner table,

"How was your night Josie?"

"Fun, but you more importantly.."

"I felt awkward, like i wouldn't even change in front of him"

"Have things changed since you two, you know got together?"

"I guess now that we are going out I feel I have to be better and not change myself but grow up abit I don't know.. I just need to talk to mum I guess"

"I agree, but firstly you need to not change a thing darling. Luke absolutly adores you"

I blushed as Luke came over to us, kissed me on the check and handed my my cup of tea,

"Thanks babe"

"No worries, I will leave you two to talk"

"Want some girly shopping time today?"

"Yes please Josie!"

The boy's first American show would be tomorrow night and of course we wouldn't miss it for the world!

"Why can't we come shopping with youu"

Luke whined as I grabbed my purse. I giggled, it was sweet he wanted to spend time with me.

"Just having a girly day Lu, you spend time with your boys"

I said playing with his rings, he pouted

"Don't you want to spend time with me?"

He asked, his blue eye's bearing into mine. He looked like he was going to cry and that made me sad,

"Nooo Luke not at all, it's just Josie wants to talk just girl on girl ya know?"

I said, brushing his hair out of his face,

"So it's Michael?, did he upset you?"

"No not at all, I just find it overpowering being with boys 24/7"

"I understand"

I stood up, similed and walked out with Luke,


He whispered to me as I opened our bedroom door. He pointed to the direction of Josie and Ashton's room,

"Come back before 4 so we can have dinner together."

"Awhh, he's protective isn't he"

I said looking up to Luke,

"Does Ashton like Josie?"

I asked looking up at Luke,

"Maybe, does Josie like him"

"I will find out today"

I said before wallking into the room across the hall,

"Ready Josie?"

"Yup, by Ash see ya Luke"

Together we walked outside the hotel and down the main street in LA.

"So you and Ash"

I begain as we walked back at the end of our little outing,

"So you and Luke"

"Don't change the subject!"

"Okay yeah.. I like him"

"Hmm, I know, how was your sleepover?"

"It was good"

"Only good?"

"We kissed"

"Wait, what!"

I did not see that coming,

"We also cuddled last night"

"Awhh awhh awhhh"

"Husshh don't tell the others"

"Don't worry I got your back sister"

"Hey, Tori.. Are you Lukes groupie?"

I was shocked by this smart comment, I turned around to revel a group of about 5 teenage girls,

"I do not sleep with Luke we are friends"

I didn't know what to say.. Josie and I turned our backs on the girls and began to speed walk back to the hotel, feeling slightly intimidated by the girls.

"Hey get back here!"

"Run Tori!"

I'm not going to lie, I'm not a runner, meanwhile Josie takes athletics. It wasn't long before I was pulled to the ground by these girls. I don't remember what happened next until e fist came in contact with my eye. I woke up in hospital with Josie sitting beside me,

"Hey kid"

I smiled up at her,

"Where's Luke?"


It was now 4:45 and Ashton was stressing out, I was worried too. Considering  Tori wasn't picking up her phone. Then Ashtons phone rang, he raced to the counter and picked it up,

"Ash, it's Josie. Come to the hospital.. Now"

-Hayley XX




You Guys Are Hella Rad


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