Chapter 32

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Update! Update! Update!

My whole body is sore from playing football



Before I knew it I was flying out of London and into America. I never thought I'd say that before woah. Things where different when we left England, more people knew about the band and there was fan's at the airport. I knew that made the boys feel good about themselves. The plane touched down in LAX with the sun setting, it looked gorgeous. The car was running a tad late so we just sat around the lounge in the airport. I pulled out my unfinished tub of m&ms.

"Tori gimme one"

Luke said standing above me. Truth was I finished them a while ago, so to annoy him I tipped thw tub upside down on his open hand,


"Eat up Lukey"

"Hate you"

"No you love me"

I said standing up as we saw the car pull up,

"That could be possible"

He mumbled behind me,


I spun around, not sure if I heard right.


So I followed the boys out of the airport and into the car that would take us to the hotel. Once we got to our room Luke said

"You walk in first Tori"

Unlocking the door for me, confused I walked on in and flicked on the light.


"Omg Josie!"

I screamed in excitement and ran into her arms. The boys came in laughing at us.

"Come on, your rooming with me"

She said pulling me off down a hallway,

"Soo hows Lucas? Ohh pretty necklace"

"He's good, thanks it's from Luke"

"Only good? Are you two going out yet?"


"Oh come here"

She said giving me a big hug as I cried. It may sound pathetic, me crying but I just had really strong feelings for Luke. We chatted for about a hour while I unpacked and as Josie called it 'sorted my life out'

"Luke is here!"

He cheered swinging the door open as he charged in,


Josie and I said together.

"We're putting mean girls on if you wanna join?"

Luke asked standing in the doorway,

"Mean girls? So girly Lucas"

Josie teased. He just chucked and gave us 20 mintues.

"How long have you been here for Josie"

I asked changing into my comfort clothes,

"A few hours. Michael organized it. He said Luke said it would be good if you could have some girly time"

Luke's consideration made me smile. As I grabbed the fluffy blanket off my bed and followed Josie out to the lounge where the boys where seated.

"Yayayaya! She brought a blanket, I dib being her movie buddy"

Luke said jumping up and running to me as Ashton put the movie on,

"No thats cool I will make use of Ashton"

Josie teased and took Luke's previous seat.


Luke whispered as the movie started. I bopped his nose and giggled as I cuddled into him.

"Everyone's asleep"

Luke whispered

"Hmm yeah"

"Let's go for a walk"

Luke said pulling me up with him and walking down the hall. I grabbed the first pair of shoes I saw, my white converse.


Luke asked emerging in my doorway and holding out a hoodie for me. I guiltily put his hoodie on and nooded as we walked out of the hotel room. He immediately interlocked our hands as we walked down the path under the palm trees near the beach.

"Where are we going?"

I finally asked him, breaking the comforting silence that had fallen.


He said quietly as we continued walking. We ended up at the small park at the end of the road. We could still see our hotel from where we were. I let go of Lukes's hand and ran to the swing.

"Push me luke!"

I giggled child like. He just chucked and put his hands on my hips and pushed me. After several minutes of me having my turn on the swing, Luke stopped,

"Tori we need to talk"

He said before walking inbetween my legs and put his hands on the chains above me. His blue eyes watched me before he finally spoke,

"I was going to wait until we went to broadwalk but I can't"

He paused and looked into me again. Confused I just nodded and indicated him to continue.

"I can't stand this anymore Tori. I want to be able to cuddle you all the time without the boys thinking any different. I want you to be able to talk to me without fear. Tori I want you to be mine."

He searched my eyes for a answer. I felt emotional, nobody has ever opened up like how Luke just did.

"Luke, I"

"I'm such a idiot"

He said letting go of my hands and spun around. I jumped up, grabbed his hands and kissed him with everything I had,

"Tori, be my girlfriend"


Was all I could say before we leaned in again. I couldn't be happier.

AN: Cute :D Today mum came home with my chocolate advent calender and it is a batman one, I win at life




-Hayley Xx

You Guys Are Hella Rad

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