Chapter 36

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I woke up in the hospital with Luke beside me,

"Ahh, good to see your up"

My nurse said walking up to me and taking various tests,

"Oh, your friends are downstars. They came back last nighr shall I send them in?"

I just nodded as Luke woke up beside me,

"First American show today"

I cooed running my fingers through his hair,

"Mm, I thought we lost you last night Tee"

"I'm a fighter"

"You sure are"


Michael said once he walked in the room,

"Hey buddy"

I said hugging him. I greeted the others also.

"So when can you get out of this joint?"

Ashton asked playing with the rubber gloves,

"Soon, after lunch"

I said rubbing Lukes hand. About 45 minutes later the nurse came to say I was free to go. Together we walked down the corridor and I signed myself out,

"That boy really cares about you"

The receptionest said as I signed,


"He wouldn't leave your side. Hold on to him"

"I intend to"

I said smiling and walking back to Luke, grabbing his hand and make our way out of the hospital.

"Okay so we have 1 hour until we have to be at the arena"

Calum said once we where all back inside. We spent that hour just talking. I was wrapped up in Lukes arms and laughing along with my friends. Luke and I will be going out for lunch tomorrow with my parents, we would then tell them about our relationship.

"Tori, just wear my hoodie"

Luke pouted as we where getting ready to head to the arena,

"It's too hot Lukey"

I whined sitting down on the bed,

"At least take it with you"

He said sitting beside me in a compromise,


I said pulling him into me. We pulled away breathlessly when Calum knocked on the door,

"Come in"

Luke sighed, resting his forehead against mine,

"We better leave now"

Luke stood up and pulled me with him as we made our way to the car.

"So you guys will have a interview as soon as you get off stage so go directly to stage right before seeing your girlfriend Luke"

The boys security told them. The boys just nodded as they climbed out of the car. We walked in through the back entry of the arena because there was already fans waiting out the front,

"Thats cute"

"Whats cute?"

Luke asked bumping his shoulder against mine,

"Fans, waiting"

I said nodding my head in the direction of the teenager's

"Your cute"

Luke said and my face flushed,

"Shut upp"

I said as we walked inside,

"Woah look at this place"

Ashton said amazed. I'm not going to lie this was a fairly big arena for the boys to play at tonight. The boys and I sat down where the audience would be and watched the crew set up Ashtons drums and make sure everything was ready.

"Guys come on"

A stage manager said. It was time for hair and styling as the fans where now allowed into the arena. Excitment was evident in the boys as they got ready for tonights show.

"Luke look"

I said pointing towards Josie and Ashton. She was standing against a wall with Ashton infront of her. His hands where pressed against the wall on either side of her as he made her laugh,


"They would be cute"

"But not as cute as us Tee"

I giggled as he pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"We are singing a new song tonight"

Luke told me as they went to get their microphone's fitted,

"What song?"

"It's called disconnected"

"Can't wait to hear it"

"Okay girls, we will see you once we finish the interview just stay here"

Ashton said before running onto the stage followed by his bandmates. The arena erupted into cheers. They sang disconnected first, the lyrics seemed familier I couldnt put my finger on it. Tonight they would be singing 8 songs halfway during the set I grew cold and tired. Luke was right I mumbled as I slipped on his hodie.


Once we finished the interview with the local radio presenters I went back with Ash to get the girls,

"You and Josie"

I begin,


"Are you guys?"

"Not yet, I like her obviously"

"Ash look"

We turned around the corner to see the most adorable thing ever. Josie and Tori had fell asleep sitting on top of the amps.

"How could they sleep through a concert?"

I sighed carrying Tori bridal style as Ash did the same with Josie,

"I don't even know man"

"Toris so cute"

I said admiring her. Her messy french braid falling out and she was wearing my hoodie. It simply caused my heart to flutter as we brought the two of them into our room and laid them down on the sofa,

"Woah Luke"

Michael yelled,

"Shh it's fine they're sleeping"

I said as Michael changed back into his normal clothes. Once we where ready we where set I carried my girl out and back into the car. She rolled over and rested on my shoulder on our way back to the hotel,

"Goodnight angel"

AN: I feel like my story suckssss, Is anyone reading it or? :D




-Hayley Xx

You Guys Are Hella Rad

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