Chapters 29

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I smiled up at Luke as we waited for the black van that would transport us to our hotel. It was a cold London day, it wasn't raining, just cold. The first show was tomorrow night, so tonight us and the One Direction boys will be going out for dinner. All five of us climbed into the van that pulled up beside us. It was an hour drive to the hotel, so naturally I fell asleep. I woke up again when Calum started shaking me,

"Come on sleepy head"

Luke said to me holding my bag and laughing from outside the van. Together the boys and I walked into the hotel that we would call home for a month before heading off to America. A member of the boys security went up to the front desk with Ashton to get our room swip keys.

"Right guys we have 3 rooms"

He explained looking down at the swipe cards. Luke took charge,

"Okay Ashton and Michael in one room. Me and Tori in another. Calum by himself"

The boys seemed to agree. It seemed unfair to me,

"No Calum you go with Luke. I will go by myself"

After several minutes of half bribing Luke he agreed to let me have my own room. I didn't want one of the boys to be excluded.

"Hang out in our room still though?"

Luke asked once the other 3 boys walked into their rooms,

"Course, just let me unpack I will be there then"


He said, pulling me in for a tight hug and walked inside his room which was directly across from mine. I rolled in my two suitcases which we collected in the lobby and fulled up the closet with my clothes. We would be driving to different arenas, and would be staying in this hotel for a month so it only made sense to fully unpack,


Luke said, knocking on my door and sat on my bed,

"Hey, unpacked already?"

I asked walking over to the table and put my hair products and stuff on it,

"Yeah, pretty much, I'm basically here to let you know we will be meeting in Ashtons room in 20 mintues to go for dinner"

"Okay, I better get ready then"

I said hugging him and locking the dorr behind him. I walked over to the closet and decided to wear my denim jacket, leggings a nice shirt and brown ankle boots. Before curling my hair and locking up.

"Hey boys"

I said walking into Ashton's room, which was next to Luke and Cal's,

"Tori you look great"

Luke complimented me as he buttoned up his shirt. The muppet missed a button hole and made his shirt lopsided,

"Awh lukey"

I pouted walking up to him and fixed his shirt up for him. With that we all walked outside the hotel and caught a taxi to the restaurant. The One Direction boys made sure we had a private room so we wouldn't be interpreted.


Louis called out and ran up to me and the boys and pulled us in for a group hug. I felt Luke tense beside me. I sat down between Luke and Zayn with Harry across from me. Tonights dinner was fulled with laughter as the two bands got to know each other. Like all good things, the night soom came to a end but of course I got a polariod picture of us all. We thanked the restaurant owners as our dinner was shouted by them before driving back to our hotel.

"Tori, wanna hang in our room?"

Ashton asked me. To be honest I wanted to journal so but I was embarrassed, I didn't want them to know I kept a diary!

"I'm feeling rather tired sorry guys!"

Luke pouted as he followed his bandmates into Ashtons room. Once their door shut I changed into my sweet pants and a singlet and sat down at the desk provided. The first polariod I attached was the one of us all at the airport,

As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen.

On the newly took polaroid of me and the 9 boys I captioned,

Take me home 2013

I flipped through my journal looking back on the photos over the last 2 weeks before my door was violently pushed open,

"Luke what the!"

I jumped and hid my journal under my bag,

"I wanted to see if you would join us now"

He pouted before walking over to me,

"What are you doing"

"Ahh nothing"

I said trying to cover up my journaling,

"Come on lets go then"

I said jumping up and pulling him out my door and into Ashtons,

"Tori, so good you can join us.. We where just going to put 10 things I hate about you on"

Michael said as Luke and I sat down on the couch. I started to grow tired as the amount of times I have seen this movie is unreal, so typically I fell asleep.


Tori looked so peaceful with her head resting on my lap, once the movie emdes I didn't want to wake her up,

"Just let her crash at ours man"

Calum told me. As it was her swipe card was in her back pocket, too awkward for me to take out. So I picked her up and carried her next door with Calum.

"She can take my bed"

Calum said grabbing a spare pillow,

"No, she would feel bad"

I said lying her down on my bed,

"She will feel bad with you on the couch too"

Calum pointed out changing into his sweat paints,

"Who said I would take the couch?"

I said getting into my boxes and joined Tori on the other side of the bed,

"Naughty Luke, your mum would not be impressed"

He said clicking the lights off. I just shrugged as I clicked off the bedside lamp and snuggled down under my covers,

"Night Cal"

He was already sleeping. I leaned foward and kissed Tori on the cheek,

"Night Tee"

I said before falling asleep also.





-Hayley Xx

You guys are hella rad



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