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     Patrick started to back up from the edge then he ran and jumped. You could hear the splash from bellow and Patricks faint cheers. "Come on!" Patrick yelled from the water bellow. Richie ran and jumped, he felt the cold wind on his bare skin. As he plunged into the water he felt the stinging of the water going into his sores. As he came up out of the water Patrick kissed him and pulled him back into the water, Richie caressed his cheek as they continued to make out.
    As they finally swam across the lake to a patch of Rocks which where that sat and talked for hours. It was about 5:00 when the finally started getting their things together and leaving.
"You hungry?" Patrick said moving Richies wet hair out of the way.
"Yeah kinda, what about you?"
   "Yeah I'm kinda hungry, lets go back to my house" Patrick suggested. Richie agreed and they headed back to Patricks house when they arrived Richie sat at the kitchen table while Patrick dug in the pantry looking for something to cook that was quick and easy. "I can make some brownie? If u want some" Patrick said looking over to Richie. "Yeah if thats what you wanna do"
    Richie felt so happy being around Patrick, though the feeling felt odd considering before he was always so scared to even be in the same area as him.

  💛Group chat💛

Beverly: Omg Richie is that who I think it is!!?

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Beverly: Omg Richie is that who I think it is!!?

  Maybe.... :Richie.T

Eddie: wait who???

Bill: Richie thats so cute💛 who is that?

Stanley: Guys don't be dumb! its  Patrick of course😂💛

Ggt, talk to y'all later :Richie.T

  Beverly: Okay have fun💛

Eddie: Be safe Richie😥❤

  Okay, "MoM" :Richie.T
[Seen At 5:20PM]

Richie Tozier-X-Patrick HockstetterWhere stories live. Discover now