|| He almost died||

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     Richie rubbed his eyes as he looked around the room, where the hell am I?, he thought to himself in a panic. The thought of being kidnapped rushed through his head like a roaring storm. He didn't move, All the stress made his body go numb.
   He felt tears start to run down his face because of how helpless he felt.
  "Fuck, Fuck, fuck, Don't Panic Richie, Don't panic", He muttered as he could feel his body aching with pain.

     "Baby are you alright?" Patrick said concerned walking into the room.

  Hearing Patrick's voice was enough to make his body burst with energy, Richie jumped up and hugged him.

   "Where are we?" Richie said out of breath reminding him of middle school Gym class.

"We went to Beverly's girlfriends house and you got really drunk so I decided to get us a hotel room for the night, You'd don't remember?" Patrick said rubbing Richies back.

   Richie didn't mention to Patrick the thought that he got kidnapped because to him it sounded childish now.

" So that's why my body is aching" Richie sighed rubbing his back.

     "Well you can say that" Patrick said with a kinky smirk on his face.

"That suck's we had great sex and I can't even remember" Richie laughed which made Patrick laugh as well.

    "Well maybe later I can help you remember" Patrick leaned over and whispered in Richies ear.

"Oh yeah?" Richie smirked before Patrick passionately kissed Richies soft silk lips.

Richie grabbed their things and him and Patrick headed to the car. After a good 20 minutes Richie realized he didn't know where they were.

"Baby where are we going?" Richie said confused.

"Oh sorry I didn't say anything Beverly asked me to bring you over so we all could have brunch"

Richie laughed at the word Brunch, yeah it was childish but he always laughed at it ever since he was a kid.

They pulled into a Waffle House that was pretty far away from any civilization it reminded Richie of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.
When they got out of the car Richie immediately locked the doors making sure nothing was getting in there.
As they walked into the Waffle House the smell of moist bread washed his nose, the bread didn't smell, it smelt almost as if it had been sitting in a bowl of water then on the counter to dry. As they approached the table Richie could see Eddie's nervous face.

"Okay who the fuck picked this creepy as location for breakfast!?" Richie said with a worried/ Nervous expression.

"We thought you did?" Beverly said raising her eye brow.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Richie said in confusion.

"We all got a text this morning saying, hey meet me at this Waffle House at 8 am, the location was sent as well" Ben mentioned showing the text.

"What the fuck is going on?! That's not my number?" Richie said harshly.

"That's what we thought but you were the only one running a little late so.." Mike was cut of by the sound of the bell above the door indicating someone had just entered. Everyone's face had a nervous expression and they all turned to look.

"Wow what the he'll happened to you guys?" Robin laughed confused.

"W- wait were you the one who t-texted us to come h-here?" Bill stuttered

Richie Tozier-X-Patrick HockstetterWhere stories live. Discover now