||1 year later ||

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    It had been a year since everything and it had gotten interesting for Richie.
    Richie and Patrick had been together for a year and Patrick just recently started going out in public with Richie but never held hands or anything.
    Richie had spoken with his mom acouple times and she wanted him to vist her. She said she has something exciting to tell him well he had something "exciting" to tell her, He had planned on telling his mother he was gay which mad him cringe on the inside.
    "Hey babe you ready to go?" Patrick said walking into Richies room. Oh shit Richie thought to himself, he had forgot he had invited Patrick to go with him. "Babe hurry up, Don't forget we still gotta pick up Stan, Eddie and Carly" Patrick said rushing Him. Richie grabbed his suit case and headed to his new car. When Richie was little he always dreamed of driving and now that he is 16 he finally can. "Babe is all your stuff" patrick said putting the suit case in the trunk. "Yeah, thanks baby love you" Richie said quickly kissing Patrick and getting into the car. Richie drove down by Eddie's house where they all were sitting on the cement stairs. Richie drove intothe drive way, "You Losers Ready for a trip!?"Richie shouted out the window with excitement. "Hell yeah baby" Stan shouted bolting of the stair case. "Eddie do you have your medicine or-or your inhaler? What about your fanny pack?" Eddie's mother started to rant, like always. "Mommy I have all my stuff don't worry" Eddie said walking to the car.
"Eddie bear you forgot something!"
    "Do I have too?!"Eddie groaned stopping in his track's

   "Yes of course dear!" His mother said as she watched Eddie walk up to her and kiss her on the cheek. "Love you mommy" Eddie said before rushing to get into the car. Eddie's mother was yelling something as they drove off but they got to far to hear her.  "So.. about your Mommy" Carly said making Richie immediately burst into laughter. "Ughh shut up!" Eddie said rolling his eye's.  "No No, I'm glad she mentioned something about it, because now I know I'm not the only one thinking Its a bit weird " Richie said continuously laughing. "Your so childish" Eddie said obviously annoyed. "Childish?!" Stan said grinning.  "oh Shut up!" Eddie shouted punching Stan's shoulder.

     Richie drove half way before parking at an old rest stop it was about 3 in the morning and he was forcing his eye's to stay open. Richie pulled the car to a stop he could see Patrick's sleeping face from the flickering street lamp. He drifted off to sleep and woke up to the sight of Carly and Eddie making out. "Good Morning?" Richie laughed. Carly started to turn red,  "Richie stop ruining the mood!"

     Richie got back on the rode and listened to the Rock music Patrick played on the radio. "This music sucks" Eddie said cringing. "Damn do you always complain this much?" Patrick said making a disgusted face at him. Eddie rolled his eye's and layed his head on Carly's boobs as if they were a pillow. "Oh my god look"Carly said pointing out the window at a huge sign that read ..

Welcome To California.

Richie Tozier-X-Patrick HockstetterWhere stories live. Discover now