|| I Love You!||

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As Richie pulled into the drive way of his house he instantly felt the Pain that the town brought him as well as fear. When Richie went to California he forgot all about his childhood trauma in Derry now that he was back it was coming back too. "Ughh Fuck" Richie tensed in pain from his now growing headache. Patrick looked concerned ad he stared at Richie, "You okay?" he said putting his hand on Richies shoulder. "Yeah, I just- Ughh Fuck" Richie said grabbing his head. At the point Eddie was almost in the front seat checking on Richie. "Richie what's wrong?!" Eddie said as Richie held his hands against his head. Richie couldn't speak, every time he tried his head would throb so Richie just sat their silently tensing in pain every so often. "Richie man please!" Eddie said almost choking on his words. Richie went to open the car door but as soon as he stood up his world got dizzy and his vision got blurry thats when he fell and blacked out. "Richie!" Eddie cried jumping out of the car. Patrick soon ran to his aid where Eddie was crying and trying to lift Richie who was barley moving. "Call 911" Eddie yelled as he hugged Richie and started to sob, "Its gonna be okay Rich, I'm right here!" Eddie said grabbing Richies cheeks.
The ambulance arrived and Eddie ended up being the one who rode in the back with him. Patrick drove Richie's Car to the hospital where Carly and Stan sat in the back and Called the other. As they arrived at the Hospital they seen Eddie pacing the outside side walk. Eddie took out his inhaler and pumped it twice before mumbling something to himself, Eddie looked over and noticed Patrick getting out of the car, "Why are you outside?" Stan said climbing out of the car. "They wouldn't let me go back with him, they took him away Stan!, What if he needs me! What if- What If-" Eddie said before bursting into tears, Stan hugged Richie as he sobbed into his shoulder. Carly stood their obviously in shock she knew they were close but nothing like this, she had seen him go through alot of shit but he had never broke down like this. Beverly pulled into the Parking lot and sprinted toward Eddie and Stan, "Oh my god Eddie!" She said as she hugged both Eddie and Stan, the others had arrived and were all now sobbing in a almost complete group hug. "Remember we wer-were like th-this before, With Be-Beverly" Bill said wiping his tears. "Yes and we went through hell to get her back!" Stan said almost in anger. Carly walked over to the group and stood there, and Eddie still cried,"Eddie it will be alright" she said laughing to make him smile but thats not what she got. "alright? ALRIGHT?! I've been through Hell with Richie, He has saved my life from a FUCKING KILLER CLOWN! He may have broke my arm but He means the Fucking World to me! And I love him! And I will do anything just to see his face one more time" He Angrily yelled as he had tears running from his eyes. Everyone stared at Eddie nobody said anything, I mean what could they say Eddie just admitted his feeling for Richie in front of his girlfriend and Richie's Boyfriend. Carly's facial expression looked like she had seen a ghost and she just stared at Eddie. Patrick looked confused he stared at the group with tears in his eye's the Losers didn't know who to look at. "Eddie kaspbrak your wanted on the 5th floor" A nurse said peeking her head outside waiting for Eddie. She didn't have to wait long because he moved faster than they had ever seen him move since they had ran from Pennywise. "What now?" Mike said sitting on the side walk.

Richie Tozier-X-Patrick HockstetterWhere stories live. Discover now