||Losers Club hangout||

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Richie and Eddie sat at a booth in the small diner waiting for the other's.

"Would you like to order?" A waitress smiled handing them a menu.

"Yeah can we get 7 orders of chocolate chip pancakes please?" Eddie said handing her back the menu.

" Seven orders?" She said confused looking at Richie and Eddie who were still the only one's seated at the table.

"Yep, 7" Richie confirmed as she shrugged her shoulders collecting there order.

Soon enough all the Losers showed up to have there weekly hangout. There was pretty simple rules, Only Losers club allowed and if you don't show up you have to pay for next weeks meal.

"Eh who chose this diner?" Beverly said in disgust.

"I did isn't it wonderful" Eddie smiled looking around.

"Eddie it smells like there storing dead animal back there!" Stan said scrunching his nose up.

"I thought I was the only one who smelt it" Ben laughed.

"This is a vegan diner so there is No meat back there"Eddie said crossing his arms.

"Vegan?! Eddie what do you think I'm fat?" Richie said dramatically gasping.

"Oh my god Eddie you think Richie's fat?! That's so mean" Beverly said playing along with Richie.

"Look at him! You made Richie cry" Mike said as Richie made unrealistic crying noises.

"Y'all are so childish!" Eddie hissed.

The waitress finally brought all the food to the table and they began to eat.

"Oh my god!"

"Is that really her"

"It is.."Eddie said looking as if he had just witnessed a murder.

There 2 tables across from them sat Carly and Henry bowers.

"There is no way that's her, didn't she go back home?" Richie said confused.

"Apparently not" Beverly rolled her eye's.

Henry got up to use the bathroom and Beverley found the perfect opportunity to go talk to Carly.

"Hey Carly, What are you doing here?" Beverly said tapping on her shoulder.

"Dear cousin this is a free country, What am I not allowed to be here?" Carly said in a very cocky tone.

" Well no it's just-"

"Prefect then you should be on your way" Carly said turing away.

"You said you were going home.."Beverly yelled getting everyone's attention.

"I'm staying down here with our cousin Sky, Now stop interrogating me and GO!" Carly whispered into Beverlys ear with obvious hate in her voice.

The Losers left the diner and walked to the kissing bridge.

"She's being a bitch" Beverly grunted crossing her arms.

"She's dating that psychopath Now eh" Stan said rolling his eye's.

When the Losers made it to the Bridge a girl was leaning over it.

Richie Tozier-X-Patrick HockstetterWhere stories live. Discover now