|| Skating||

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     Richie woke up to the sound of morning birds. The sound was relaxing and reminded him of his mother. He grabbed his phone 10:45 it read. He got dressed and grabbed his skateboard. He made his way down the stairs and towards the door. "Hey Rich" his father called from the kitchen table. Richie didn't turn around or anything he just continued to open the fridge. "I'd like you to meet someone" His father said making Richie turn around. There stood a short woman with short blond curly hair and a white dress. "Hi there" she said waving to him. "This is Shannon my girlfriend" His father said putting his hand around her waist pulling her close to him. Richie gave a disgusted look and walked out the front door. "Richie!" His father yelled but he ignored it. Richie wasn't ready to move on with his life especially since his mother had left.
      Richie got on his skate bored and rode to Neibolt Street. He could already see Benji skating down the narrow rode, his face was focused as if it were some type of competition. "You made it" Sam yelled kicking his skateboard up and catching it. "well Why wouldn't I" Richie said with a friendly smile. They skated for a bit and not long after they started to get bored.
    "I'm bored" Kyle groaned with a pouty face. "Me too" Benji said with sweat dripping off his forehead. "Hey guys, lets explore" Sam said looking to the Creepy house on Neibolt street then back to them. "I don't know maybe some other time" Richie said trying to avoid being drug back into that house again. "Don't be a chicken!" Sam hissed. Tyler looked like he wanted to say something but kept his mouth shut, which was probably for the best.
   In the end Richie found himself climbing up the old creaky stairs once again ..Just like when he was 13 except this time he was technically following strangers up the stairs. The air smelt putrid and it made Richie want to vomit. "Eww it smells like death" Benji said cover his nose. Kyle pushed open a door,the door was familiar to Richie since it was indeed the first room he had gone into when he was 13. "Oh shit" Kyle said stepping back. They were all confused until they looked into the room. To there horror it was the rotting corpse of Vanessa weasel. The 12 year old who went missing exactly 2 weeks ago, Richie was sure it was her. It had to be I mean he had seen her picture on almost ever milk carton and her missing posters were all over town. "I'm gonna be sick" Tyler said gagging. "What the fuck do we do!" Sam said putting his hands on his head. "Call the police!" Richie shouted as if they were all deaf. Benji took out his phone and dialed 911. Richie could hear Benji's shaky voice as he talked to the operator,   Richie guessed that was his first time ever calling that number.
   The police arrived and so did an ambulance (of course they didn't need it because by the looks of it Richie knew Vanessa had no fighting chance even if she was breathing.)
The police question them and by the time everything was over it was 6:00 and Richie decided he was just gonna go home and call it a day. "Hey Richie!" Tyler called from behind. "What?" Richie said turning around to wait for Tyler to catch up. "Can I walk with you?"
  "Uhh sure" Richie said smiling his friendly smile.
   "Sorry about today, I know it wasn't your typical hangout, oh and sorry about Sam... He can be bit of an Ass hole sometimes" Tyler said rubbing the back of his head.
  "Its fine... Its not like y'all knew the body was gonna be there."
    "Yeah but I hope we can hangout some more"
   "Me too" Richie said giving Tyler a fist bump and walking into his small drive way.
   All Richie could think about was Vanessa's face. It looked so sad, so scared, so clueless, so..... empty. She had layed up in that house for 2 weeks and nobody even suspected she was there. He hoped her family would find peace but like Bill's family it was very unlikely. It had been like 4 or 5 years since Georgies death and Bills family still wouldn't go to the Derry fair. Bill was mostly neglected by his parents after the death of his little brother and thats why Richie tryed to be be positive atound Bill, to show him there is a happier side to life.
    Richie had decided it was time for him to hit the hay and found himself dreaming of darkness.

Richie Tozier-X-Patrick HockstetterWhere stories live. Discover now