|| Blood In the water||

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   As Richie drove into California the others freaked out. "Omg I'm so excited!" Carly shouted before pulling Eddie against the window and kissed him. "Woah Woah, Chill," Stan said covering is eye's. Patrick turned down his edgy Rock music and rolled down the window. Richie could feel the hot summer like air blow on to him, it felt relaxing. Richie could see Eddie staring at a couple girls on the side walk in swimsuits . Carly rolled her eye's she to could see him staring at there perfectly curvy body's and nice tan skin with there silky blond hair. When we got to far to see them Eddie let out a sigh and went to hug Carly who almost instantly pushed him away. she crossed her arms and turned the other way , she was clearly mad. "Babe!"  Eddie said  grabbing her arm. "Get off of me" She yelled pulling her arm back. "Whatever be like that" Eddie said rolling his eyes. Richie and Patrick stared at each other and Patrick bit his lip. Richie eyed him with a mischievous smile and Patrick could almost literally read his mind and he knew what Richie wanted.

      Richie finally pulled up into the drive way of his mothers new house. He opened the car door and didn't even get his stuff out. He continued to the yellow 3 story house. The door opened before he even made it to the steps. "Richie! Oh my god my baby!" His mother said running and giving him a hug. Richie wanted to cry, he was so happy to see her. "Come inside there's something I need to tell you" His mother said motioning for them to follow her. Richie followed his mother into there dinning room which was painted a pastel yellow and the walls had vintage paintings hung every where and some pictures with her new family. "Have a seat" his mother said pulling out a chair. Richie sat down his mother was silent for a moment. "So I know I waited to tell you this but you have a step brother"
  Richie then turned to the family portrait on the wall and he looked over to Eddie who's jaw was dropped with a wide eyed expression. "How old is he?" Richie said crossing his arms. "He's 15, just a year younger than you" she said putting her hand on his shoulder. "Since you were honest with me I'm gonna be honest with you." The room was silent and Patrick knew what Richie was about to say. "I have a boyfriend" Richie said quietly. His mother looked confused  " "Really" she said turning her head. "Yeah and he's in this room"
  "Eddie?" She said smiling. "No its Patrick" Richie said pointing to Patrick who in return smiled and waved. "Oh knew it! I honestly thought it would be Eddie you two practically flirted every time you were together"His mother said shrugging her arm over to Richie and nudging him.  Eddie gave Richie a wink which caused Richie to laugh. "So you always thought I was gay?" Richie said looking up at his mother who was smiling. "Oh of course, it was so obvious you weren't into girls. When you were 8 you had a crush on the weather man"
  "Mom!" Richie said as his face turned a bright red. "You used to tell me how cute you thought he was and how much you liked his hair and-"
  "Mom stop!" Richie said in embarrassment as the others giggled. "Okay, Okay fine"
   She showed them around the house then took them to the basement which had 2 spare bedrooms. Richie and Patrick would share one and Eddie and Carly would share the other. Stan looked to them in concern, "You guys are joking" he said looking around. Eddie laughed, "You know we love you Stan" Richie said giving him a pat on the back. "Are you serious guys" Stan said as he watched them try not to laugh. Richie heard the sound of someone running down the stairs. "Yeah whatever I need the wax"  the person yelled up the stairs. Richie looked to the stairs and a skinny boy with light blond hair came running down the stairs. "Fuck" the boy mumbled before going back up the stairs. "I'm assuming that's your step brother" Stan said looking over to Richie who had a disgusted expression.
   After Richie and the others got settled they went up the stairs for dinner. Richie's mother sat at the table with her new boyfriend Andy and Stan, Eddie and Carly found seats and quickly sat down. Patrick stood with Richie until he found his seat. "Danny get down here and eat" Andy shouted behind him. A few moments after that Richie heard stomping come from the stairs and the boy they had seen come into the basement was standing in the kitchen. "This is your stepbrother, Danny" Richie's mother said looking to Danny then to Richie with a smile. Danny sat across from Richie and they stared at each other. The tension at the table was so strong it was silent the whole time. After dinner Richie's mother went in the kitchen and made a strawberry cake with Danny. Richie could hear that Danny had already started calling her mom. "Richie dear go outside and check out the tree house with Danny while the cake bakes." His mother shouted from the kitchen. Richie followed Danny outside, he didn't want to make his mother upset. It was awkward they didn't say anything the whole walk there. "I don't care if your my "Stepbrother" were not related" Richie said quite irritated. "Whatever your in My house!" Danny said crossing his arms. "Watch it kid" Richie said sharply
  "Haha Fuck You!" Danny said pushing Richie into the tree house ladder. Richie pushed Danny back in defense, Danny stumbled and spit in Richie's face and Richie proceed to Punch Danny knocking him to the ground. "Oh my god Danny!" Richie's mother yelled running towards them.  Danny's lip was busted and his nose was pouring blood. "Jesus Christ Richie!" His mother yelled helping Danny to his feet as blood dripped onto his striped yellow shirt. "Go in the house" She choked out. "What?" Richie said shocked from what his mother had just said. "I said Go in the house." Richie was clearly pissed off and walked into the house and stomped down the basement steps slamming the door behind him. "Babe what's wrongs?" Patrick said coming out of there bedroom. Richie said nothing and continued to walk past Patrick. Patrick had never seen Richie this mad and he could tell something was bothering him. Patrick walked into Eddie and Carly's room where Stan and them sat on the bed they could hear yelling up stairs. "Yeah because that stupid Bitch punched me in the face!" Danny yelled. Patrick looked to the others and they knew exactly who Danny was talking about. Patrick walked back into there bedroom where Richie was blasting Blood in the water by Grandson. Patrick shut the bedroom door, "Lock it" Richie said undressing. Patrick looked at him confused, "Undress and climb into bed" Richie said climbing onto there bed. Patrick had never seen Richie act like this and he kinda liked it. Richie climbed on top of Patrick and proceeds to make out with him. Richie kissed down Patrick's body down to his erection. Richie looked up at Patrick who was bitting his lip, Richie then wrapped his mouth around Patrick's dick and Patrick moaned every time Richie would go down on it. Patrick let out a groan and began to moan, "Fuck I'm gonna cum" Patrick moaned before shortly releasing into Richie's mouth. Patrick was panting and Richie stared at him with a smirk on his face. "Damn you need to get mad more if your gonna act like that" Patrick said with a flirtatious smirk on his face. Richie laughed and kissed Patrick's neck. Richie rolled over and Patrick held him as he fell asleep. Soon after Patrick fell asleep as well as Carly and Eddie who had Stan at the foot of there bed. The only noise was sound of there faint snores and Stans heavy breathing.

Richie Tozier-X-Patrick HockstetterWhere stories live. Discover now