|| Saying Good Bye||

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    It was their last day in California and Richie was honesty kinda depressed about it. Richie paced the bedroom as Patrick packed their things. Richie had less than 2 hours before they left and headed back to Derry and he wasn't ready to go. Richie hurried out the bedroom door and up the stairs, "Where Are you going?!" Patrick called to Richie but Got no reply. When Richie got to the main floor he headed to the other stair case. Richie climbed up the spiral stairs though he had never been to the top floor of the house he had an idea of what it looked like. He walked down the long hallway which had 3 doors, but one stuck out. There was a door that Had a D painted on it which was dripping black paint. Richie could hear some heavy rock music as he approached the door, Richie knocked on the door twice. "Come in" Danny shouted from inside. "Hey" Richie said opening the bedroom door. Danny looked surprised to see him,"Hey, what are you doing up here?" Danny said in a awkward tone as if he was embarrassed. "Just wanted to see what your up too" Richie replied looking around. Danny's room was covered in christmas lights and posters. He also had stickers stuck to his wall, There gotta be At least a hundred of them Richie thought to himself. "Your room is awesome!" Richie said still mesmerized by the edgy design.

 "Your room is awesome!" Richie said still mesmerized by the edgy design

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    "You really think so?" Danny said with a hopeful smile.
   "Of course I do"
"My dad thinks its ugly" Danny said shrugging his shoulders
   "Fuck him" Richie said laughing which made Danny laugh as well.
Richie sat up there and talked to Danny, not even realizing how long he had been up there. "Richie!" Patrick yelled up the stairs, " You are wanted in the kitchen." Richie got up and made his way to the kitchen he seen Carly and Eddie holding there things while Stan took a picture of them with hos Polaroid. "Already!" Richie said in a panicked tone looking down to his watch 2:56PM It read, They had all planned on leaving at 3:00. Danny came down the stairs and into the kitchen, "What's going on?" Danny said looking to Richie. "Sweet heart they have to go" Richie mother said looking to him. "Babe I'll put the stuff in the car" Patrick said heading outside with the others. Richie's eye's started to burn as he could feel the tears trying to push there way out. Richie gave his mom a hug Eddie yelled into the house, "Come on Rich we gotta go!" Richie started to walk off then he ran back and gave Danny a hug, "I love you Danny blood or not your my little brother" Richie said as a tears streamed from Danny's face.  "Your Days will get better, You'll find Friends who care about you and you'll eventually get peace, Don't give up now because Your so close to getting what you want so just keep going and remember I believe in you" As Richie spoke these words Danny's crying got harder but he had to leave. Richie got in the car and pulled out of the drive way the narrow rodes reminded him of when Patrick and him started seeing each other.
      Richie drove down the dimly lit streets as he unintentionally listen to Stan on the phone, "Okay can't wait to see love you baby" Stan said making a kissing noise. "Woah who's the special lady-.. or guy I don't discriminate"Richie said looking at Stan through the review mirror. Stan turned a light red, "I don't think you guys are ready to know" He said looking out the window.  "Come on Stanley! Please" Richie begged but Stan didn't say anything.  Richie continued to drive until he read a familiar sign that read Leaving Hollywood.

Richie Tozier-X-Patrick HockstetterWhere stories live. Discover now