|| What the Hell||

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       Carly leaned over and kissed Richie's cheek, "What are you doing!" Richie yelled. "You like me don't you?" Carly said looking up to him with hope in her eyes. "No, I understand you don't know  but like", "your what?" she said annoyed. Richie sighed then yelled "I'm Gay!".  Carly's sadness faded from her face,"your what" she muttered. "UGhhh I'M Gay and I have a boyfriend!" Richie yelled annoyed. Richie turned around towards the clubhouse and seen all the Losers standing there. Richie had never admitted to being Gay and He really didn't mean to this time, it just slipped out. "Hey Richie" Stan said awkwardly waving to him. "Oh my god" Richie said realizing everyone had just heard his conversation. Richie turned around and took off running in the woods tears were streaming down his face. "Richie wait!" Beverly called from behind but Richie didn't stop, he ran until he couldn't run no more.
    "I'm so fucking stupid" Richie muttered. He sat up against a tree and cried,"Its all her fault if she wouldn't have kissed me- if -if, ughh what am I saying its my fault, all my fault." Richie phone blew up but he didn't answer.

Beverly: Richie where are you??

     [seen 2:43AM]

Eddie: Richie please don't do this I need you

[Seen 2:47AM]

Bill: Come on Rich don't do this to us

[Seen 2:53AM]

Patrick🔪:  Babe Where are you?

How'd you know I was gone? :Richie.T

Patrick🔪: Your friends told me u ran off and they can't find u

I'm sorry I told them about us I just couldn't keep it to myself :Richie.T

Patrick🔪: Baby it's fine I just want you here where your safe, plus fuck what they think because to me yout everything❤

Okay babe I'll head back :Richie.T

       Richie headed back though he wad embarrassed Patrick made him feel like everything was okay even when he had no hope. "Oh my god" Eddie said seeing Richie walk out of the woods. Eddie hugged Richie and started to cry, "You scared me so bad" he cried. Not long after they were all in a group hug and most of them were crying. "Hey" they all turned around. Patrick stood there awkwardly, Richie ran over to him and gave him the biggest hug. "Its okay baby" Patrick said rubbing his back.
  "I'm not gonna lie but I would pay to see y'all fuck" Carly said looking at Patrick and Richie. The Losers laughed and Patrick looked down to Richie who was bitting his lip. "Hey guys know what would be fun, a group orgy" Beverly said looking to everyone. "This is gonna be interesting" Patrick said licking his lips.

Richie Tozier-X-Patrick HockstetterWhere stories live. Discover now