|| Don't Be A Beach||

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    Richie woke up to the smell of sweet maple syrup and buttermilk pancakes. He stood up and stretched, he could see Patrick curled up in the bed with a puddle of drool on his pillow, Richie smiled to him self and decided not to wake him up. Richie quietly shut the door as he made his way to the steps, his friends had a long day yesterday so he didn't expect them to be awake this early even though it was only 8. Richie made his way up the stairs and into the kitchen where his mother was cooking. His mother usually had a plate ready for him every morning at his house but when he looked at the table the only thing there was Danny eating his Pancakes. Danny looked over to him and Richie gave a disgusted look in return. Richie's mother looked over to him, "Oh shoot sorry Richie I forgot to make you a plate" his mother said scrapping what she could out of the pan of scrambled eggs into small plate as well as a doughy pancake that was not even half way cooked. Richie sat at the table and occasionally glanced at Danny who had 3 perfectly cooked pancakes with fresh eggs. "Mom will you pour me a glass of milk?" Danny said still chewing up some eggs. "Of course honey" she said making her way back to the kitchen. Richie hated the fact that he called her mom and that his mother would practically do anything for Danny. Richie heard the sound of someone coming up the stairs and looked over the basement door which opened and revealed Patrick in a pair of black skinny jeans and a yellow shirt that had VANS written across it. "Good morning babe" Patrick said hugging Richie and then kissing him on the forehead, Richie smiled and almost forgot Danny was only sitting across from him. Danny had a look of confusion on his face but kept his mouth shut which was probably best for him. "Wanna go get something to eat?" Richie said rubbing Patrick's back. "Yeah I'll go wake up the others" Patrick said heading toward the basement. Richie got up from the table and yelled down the stairs,"Babe grab my keys." His mother walked into the dinning room. "Richie where you going?" She said sipping her coffee.
  "Out to eat breakfast"
"Oh Bring Danny with you" she said smiling. Danny almost choked on his milk when she said that. He looked at her as if she was a crazy person. Richie looked over to Danny ,"Fine " he sighed before getting up. Carly was the first up the stairs and she was wearing a white long sleeve shirt with a plaid skirt.

 Carly was the first up the stairs and she was wearing a white long sleeve shirt with a plaid skirt

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Eddie walked up the stairs and stared at Carly. "Damn" Eddie mumbled bitting his lip. "Oh guys forgot to mention were taking Danny with us" Richie said with a fake smile. They all headed to the car, "Wait guys can we go swimming?" Carly asked before getting in the car. "Sure" Richie shrugged. Carly ran back inside and grabbed her bathing suit and hurried back.  Danny, Stan, Eddie and Carly all crammed in the back while Richie and Patrick sat in the front. They pulled up to a small dinner and ordered a quick meal before leaving. "I don't know where the beach is" Richie said turning to Patrick. "There's one a couple blocks down the street" Danny said pointing to which direction to go. "Uhh Thanks" Richie murmured before driving off.
    As they pulled into the parking area Carly got out and headed for the small building that read Restroom to change while the others sat up a towel on the sand and waited for her. Carly came out of the bathroom and every guy at the beach was staring at her. Eddie was so jealous and Richie could tell.

  Carly sat down on the towel, "Wow babe you look great" Eddie said kissing her

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  Carly sat down on the towel, "Wow babe you look great" Eddie said kissing her. Carly and Stan went off in the water and the other sat on the sand. As Carly was coming up out of the water a guy smacked her ass and as Carly turned around Stan punched the guy in the face. "You fucking perv!" Stan yelled before walking up on the sand. "Wow thanks Stan" Carly said pulling him into a hug." No problem, I was just doing you a favor"
   "Y'all ain't getting in the water?" Stan said before sticking his hand in Richie's cup of fruit and proceeding to put a piece of water melon in his mouth. "Nah we good" Richie said laying on the beach sand with his shirt off. Eddie stood up, "hey Carly and Stan wanna go walk across the beach?" Eddie said whipping the sand off his shorts. They both agreed and the three went off walking. Patrick had gotten up to go use the bathroom and now it was only Richie and Danny.
  "Why do you hate me so much?" Danny said catching Richie off guard.
   "Dude You basically stole my mom from me" Richie said looking over to Danny.
  "How she talks about you so much and about how good you are and about how she's proud you found someone who makes you happy.. Be lucky your moms still here"
  "What do you mean?" Richie said taking off his sunglasses.
  "My mom died in a house fire when I was 10. my older sister Sarah killed herself 4 days after my 12th birthday. They found her in her bedroom floor with her wrist slit.. My dad act's like she never existed and I have nobody " Danny choked on his words as he managed to get them out.
   "I'm so sorry" Richie said. Richie had realized Danny wasn't trying to make him jealous he was only showing affection for someone who truly cared about him which was his mother.
   "Don't be sorry, just be grateful"
"Don't you have any friends?"Richie spoke quietly.
    "No everybody thinks I'm a freak. The only people who talk to me is this guy name Harrison and he's in college currently so I don't get to see him much"
   Richie didn't say anything he genuinely felt bad for Danny. He also felt like an asshole for punching him in the face. An hour later they left the beach and headed home. Richie had had a long day and so had the others so when they got home they took steamy showers and headed to bed and Richie dreamt about his mom burning in a house fire as well.

Richie Tozier-X-Patrick HockstetterWhere stories live. Discover now