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   Richie had waken up from the sound of a door shutting. "What the fuck?" he mumbled to himself. Richie would have freaked out but he started to remember that he had spent the night at Patricks, he rolled over and notice Patrick was not in bed. "Maybe he went to use the bathroom" Richie said aloud. Richie got up and decided he would look around. There was a Polaroid picture of Henry and Patrick taped to his mirror. There was a couple chains laying on the dresser which looked like the ones he usually wore on his pants. Richie saw a bottle of pills laying in the slighty opened dresser as he was reaching to open it he could hear someone walking to the door. Richie quickly but quietly snuck back to the bed. "Hey your up" Patrick said walking into the room.
"Yeah I just woke up",
  "Oh well I made breakfast so come eat" Patrick said giving Richie a kiss on the cheek.
    Patrick and Richie sat at the Dinning room table while they ate pancakes, eggs and sausages. "To be honest I didn't know you could cook" Richie laughed. "Yeah I took cooking classes"
  "I have a question" Richie said looking up and meeting Patricks gaze. "Are we dating?." Patrick looked down at his plate anf paused for a moment. "Yes -I mean only if you want too" Patrick stuttered breaking the awkward silence. "Of course I wanna date you!, you mean so much to me" Richie said looking into Patricks eye's. Patrick smiled and got up and hugged Richie, a tear came out of his left eye.
"I love you Richie"
     "I love you too Patrick!"

Richie Tozier-X-Patrick HockstetterWhere stories live. Discover now