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The night had never been an issue to her, it had always been her place of solitude but this night was a bit strange. The usual dark velvet sky with stars that winked like sequins on a gown was totally void and like a pit of dark wormhole. The darkness reflected on her surroundings that the light from her phone did no justice.

She quickened her steps knowing she was extremely late and hoping her friend had kept her promise by staying awake to sneak her in.

She also noticed that apart from the plain dark sky, the night creatures were absent. She couldn't hear the owls hooting neither could she hear the cricket chirping.

As the wind whispered through the branches and rustled the leaves, she couldn't help but feel startled. Her heart pounded, trying to warm her body and rid her of the goosebumps that had formed on her skin. It was as if the wind was trying to send a message - a warning, perhaps. She couldn't help but blame her superstitious parents for instilling these beliefs in her
She reeked of alcohol and stale sweat. She knew she'd have to have a quiet bath once she gets back, she giggled at the thought of trying to stop the water from making a sound once it comes in contact with the floor. Her giggle was cut short by a sound of crushed twig.

She stopped in her tracks and directed her phone to where she heard the sound. Beams of light from her phone burst into the moonless night as she waved the phone around her. When she didn't see a thing and decided to continue her journey the light abruptly went off, she tried putting it on but it didn't come on.

"Great! Battery's dead." She groaned and angrily muttered something about her bad luck as she placed the phone in the safety of her pockets.

As she heard another twig snap, this time closer than before, she squinted her eyes in the darkness but saw nothing. However, she couldn't shake off the feeling of being followed. She knew that whatever was out there was not friendly and had some ominous intentions. So, she quickened her pace and pulled her jacket tighter as the chilly night air seeped in. She regretted not taking up his offer to accompany her on this walk.

The wind began to pick up, and the gentle whispering of the leaves turned into a low rumble. The sound of the rain started to increase, and soon it was pouring down in sheets. The sound of the raindrops hitting the pavement was the only thing she could hear. It was as if the rain had wiped away every other sound.

She tried to calm herself down and reassured herself that it was probably just an animal or some harmless passerby, but her heart was still racing. She reached for her phone to call her friend, but remembered her phone has just gone off.

She heard footsteps behind her, and her heart skipped a beat. She turned around to see if anyone was there, but the darkness was too thick to see anything. She quickened her pace, her heart pounding in her chest.

In a moment of panic, she started to run, but her feet failed her, and she stumbled and fell not far from where she had started. Pain shot through her ankle, and she winced in agony. She looked up, only for her vision to be blinded by the pounding raindrops. She squinted towards the direction she felt the mysterious presence but it was the same - she couldn't make out anything.

She was certain of its presence, the cold, unfeeling eyes staring at her. She couldn't deny it any longer - she was in danger. Panic set in as she struggled to move, but the pain in her ankle made it difficult. Her clothes were caked in mud and clung to her body, and her braids dripped with rainwater.

As she struggled to pull herself up, her eyes restlessly searched her surroundings and then it stopped at something in the dark. She squeezed shut her eyes and focused on long deep breaths.

"It's not real. There's nothing there." She repeated to herself as she trembled. Sweat had already formed around her neck and her forehead that it was difficult to distinguish with the rain. "Nothing is there, just open your eyes."

Behind her eyelids, her eyes raced around her surroundings. It's not real, it's nothing. She opened her eyes and it was gone. She exhaled slowly, feeling a sense of calm wash over her. But then, something inside her snapped, and she started to laugh. At first, it was a nervous giggle, but soon it turned into a full-blown, uncontrollable fit of laughter. She laughed until tears streamed down her face and her sides ached.

Her laughter and celebration came to an abrupt end and she froze as chills spread through her spines. There was a warm breath in her ear.

"Boo!!!" The malicious voice snared startling her out of her frozen state but before she could react she felt a cold metal slice through her throat it wasn't deep enough to kill her instantly but it was deep enough to send blood dribbling on to the wet ground.

Her heart pounded as the person whispered into her ears " shhh, it's going to be slow and painful" the malicious voice assured her.

She whimpered aloud but it came out as a gurgle. That voice, she knew that voice. Hands traveling to her face as they smoothed her hair behind her ear.

"P- please" she croaked out. She didn't know what she was begging for but all she knew was that she wasn't ready to die.

She watched as her feet and hands were tied all hope was slowly leaving her. "P-please" she whispered as tears trickled down her cheeks but it fell on deaf ears. Her killer was bent on giving her a slow death.

"I will give you time to think about all your sins and ask God for forgiveness so you may enter his kingdom" the voice was cold.

She was dragged away from the pathway into the bush then she watched as her killer walked away, every step telling her she would bleed to death.

Hi guys, this is the first time I'm trying to write something like this hope it was intriguing?

I will officially start this book by May 1st and my uploads will be frequent. I will be using the remaining days before 1st of May to write other chapters

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