My Cocaine Lover

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"little white lines
little white lies
i keep seeing them
lined up on the table
straight rows like
soldiers ready to march
who broke their mother's hearts
broken like the way your
little white lies did mine
little white lines scatter
and in the white there is every color
or that's what i'm supposed to feel
but everything is amber
like the color of your eyes
like the color of maple syrup
like leaves on trees in the slowness of autumn
i guess my eyes were dilated
but they say that's normal
when you see the person you love
when their presence makes your heart
pound like you're high
dilated eyes from these little white lines
dilated lies because that's how we learned to speak
but i can't tell if this ecstasy is because of you or the
little white lines but i would write you into every
little white lie"

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