Chapter 21

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"Land the ship over there." Kylo said.

There was a slightly open field that looked pretty secluded near the coordinates of the base we'd been given. I stood behind the pilot and next to Kylo who sat in the copilot seat. The ship landed and we immediately started gathering our things. The ship had flown in under an invisibility cloak and we had missed any radar signals alerting them that we were here.

I grabbed my lightsaber and waited for Kylo outside the ship. It seemed like a small base from what we had been told and it makes sense this was a very under developed planet. A lot of plants rather than people. The perfect place for a hide out, but it didn't matter because we found them.

He came down the ramp and as soon as we hit the grass, the ramp started to close and the ship started flying away leaving us two alone. He looked around and took a deep breath. I was anxious to get this done, but I felt ready for whatever came at me. I wanted to see Apollo dead and I wanted to get General Sloane back as soon as possible.

"You ready?" He asked and I nodded.

We navigated through the forest fortunately not having any run ins with guards, patrols, or creatures. We landed hopefully far enough away to not be seen or detected so we had to travel by foot the rest of the way. It didn't seem like this base was heavily guarded. We hadn't found their larger base yet so it would make sense they keep this one on the down low.

Once we got closer up to the base we really saw how little they had this thing protected. They had one guard on the front entrance, but their base was primarily an outdoor base. We could literally just walk in if we had wanted to. We surveyed the surrounding area and the perimeter and there truly wasn't much to it.

We watched for a few hours to see if there was anything we should be suspicious of, but nothing ever happened. We saw a few people walk around, but I spent more time admiring the greenery around me than the base itself. I could sense my brother, I put up any and all walls to everything around me so I would appear undetectable. I could only hope it was working, but I was practically exhausting myself doing so. We decided to wait until night to go inside and hopefully catch everyone off guard.

We were able to count 13 people total, there could be more, but we only saw 13 different people not including my brother. No one looked armed, but we didn't want to assume they didn't have adequate means to defend themselves. We decided we wouldn't barge in and alert the whole place so we found a small door near a balcony and if we were lucky enough it would lead to Apollo's room.

It turned night and we made our way up the hill that the base was almost carved into. We had to move very slow to avoid getting caught, but it was kicking my adrenaline limits to the max. We made it to the balcony and Kylo pushed me up first and I slowly surveyed the area. It was opened to a bedroom which at first glance looked vacant, but just as I was about to enter the room a figure walked out.

"I was expecting you, but I'll be honest, not this soon." Apollo walked out and I took note of his lightsaber in hand. My hand had already clung to mine so I unlatched it and had it ready on hand.

"Sorry, I forgot to knock." I said shrugging watching him like a hawk. His hair was glowing white under the moonlight and his Jedi robes glistened like diamonds. He was clearly living a very pampered life, his robes looked royal. Made sense for someone of his character, very full of themselves.

"I see you brought him." He said walking slowly around the balcony, but I stood firm where I was. I knew Kylo was behind me I didn't need to turn to see that.

"Where's your friend?" I asked ignoring him.

"Fortunate for you, not here." He said. "I'll leave your best wishes though."

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