Chapter 27

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"We've confirmed the location and security level of the Resistance base, but I'm afraid we have something bigger holding us from just prancing in." Sloane said.

"What's that?" Kylo asked mask off.

"Snoke." She said as if it was obvious. "Do you think he's going to let us just armor up our entire fleet and abandon the Star Killer Base all at once on the word of a singular pilot?"

"I have another plan for than." Kylo said stepping away from the table.

"Which is?" I asked casually sat on the table.

"You'll all just have to trust me." He said and we all exchanged confused looks with one another.

"Maybe it's just because I'm new here, but I think we all have to be on the same page. We're taking down an entire army here, I'm sure this Snoke dude would blast off our heads if we lied to him." Poe said standing with his arms crossed.

"I don't think I asked you." Kylo said snapping.

"He's right Kylo, we have to know what's going on. We can't afford to be caught off guard with a mission of this size and importance." I said and I could already see his facial expression turning sour.

He was taking it personally and as much as I trusted him, I had no idea what he was planning. I didn't like going in to things blindsided as much as the next person, but this just wasn't the time for place for it.

"If I tell you, you will all try and stop me." He said getting nervous and we all just waited for him to talk. "I can't."

"We're all fighting for the same cause Ren. If you can't trust us, how can we trust you?" Sloane said from her chair. I looked to her, but by no means did I disagree with her statement.

"I don't expect you to trust me." He said and I met him with sad eyes. He looked away in avoidance knowing she couldn't do this, at least not to me.

"Kylo." I said and he held eyes with me for a long time and I could almost hear him debating with himself. I didn't push into his mind, but his eyes said it all.

"We kill Snoke." He bursted out and no one spoke for a second. I waited for the laughter or for him to tell us he was joking, but it never came.

"Oh dear." Hux said shaking his head and pressing his hands into his temple. "You've lost it haven't you."

"You are out of your damn mind." Sloane said standing up and sounding angry.

"This is exactly why I didn't want to say anything." He said getting frustrated.

"This won't work, you can't win a battle against him, he's the strongest-

"How are you going to do it?" I said interrupting Sloane. Kylo seemed taken back by my lack of judgment on his crazy idea. I knew no one else would give him an opportunity if I didn't.

"Not saying I think this is a good idea, but at least hear the guy out." Poe said standing next to me. I was genuinely surprised by the remark, but Poe probably didn't want to get more shit from him so siding with him might be in his favor.

"I won't fight him, I know I'd loose in a battle against him." He said calmly. "I would tell him Athena tried to flee with the pilot and he'd call an emergency presence of all of us. We would present you two in custody, but I would purposely leave Athena's lightsaber on her and he would get angry that I would be dumb enough to forget it and take it from her. I don't know what he'll try to do, but once he gets ahold of her lightsaber I can used the Force to control it while he's in possession of it and kill him without even laying a finger on him."

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