Chapter 54

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I could see an open field of greenery surrounded by an almost perfectly circular tree line. I stood alone in the clearing. I twirled around and nobody was around, but a crying noise became prevalent quickly. I tried walking towards where I was hearing it and there was a small pathway leading further into the forest. I walked down it avoiding the thick exposed roots. I saw a wide tree and it seemed to be the source of the noise. I walked up to it and peaked around it to see a young and fresh faced Ben.

"Why are you crying?" I asked sounding much younger than I was used to.

"Go away you're just going to make fun of me like the rest of them." He said standing up angrily.

"What are you talking about?" I asked clearly oblivious to what he was talking about.

"Just stop it, leave me alone." He said looking back at me with a red face and wet eyes. He couldn't have been older than nine or ten.

"I mean I'll leave you alone, but I just wanted to help." I said shrugging.

"How could you help me?" He asked in a snarky tone.

"I don't know, I just heard you crying." I said.

"Why are you out here? Your supposed to be in class with the others." He said defensively.

"Class is stupid. I got bored." I said. "Aren't you master Luke's nephew?"

"Yes but I don't like him." He said sharply. "He's not my uncle."

"I don't like him either." I said. I saw something in his face change. He wiped a tear away and he straightened up. "He doesn't like me. He says I ask too many questions."

"He says the same about me." He said shaking his head.

"So what was everyone making fun of you for?" I asked stepping a little closer.

"My lightsaber." He said angrily. "They said it looked scrappy."

"You have a lightsaber." I asked getting visibly more excited. "That's so cool."

"Yeah well not really." He said crossing his arms. "It's lame."

"Let me see." I said putting my hand on my hips.

"No you're just going to laugh like rest of them." He said turning away from me.

"I promise I'm not going to laugh." I said shaking my head.

"I don't know that, I don't even know you." He said.

"I'm Athena Kenobi." I said.

"You're Athena Kenobi?" He asked and suddenly his mood shifted. "You're practically famous."

"Yeah don't remind me." I said rolling my eyes. I hated the attention it brought to me. Everyone assumed they knew me. "So are you going to show me or what?"

"You can't make fun of me." He said taking a deep breath.

"I'm not going to make fun of you." I said rolling my eyes.

He reached inside of his cloak and pulled out his lightsaber. He was looking away from it like even he didn't want to see it. It was a bright silver metal with black engravings on it. It was bigger than most lightsabers I've seen. It almost looked too big for his hands, but at the same time it was almost intimidating. I felt a smile crawl across my face, but that's because it was probably the coolest lightsaber I've ever seen.

"That's so cool!" I said getting close up to it. "Do you know how to use it?"

"No, I left class before they started." He said letting the lightsaber fall at his side. He slumped down and sat next to the tree next to us. He looked at it and pressed the button to ignite it. "Everyone else would have just laughed at me."

Balance ~ Kylo Ren / Ben SoloWhere stories live. Discover now