Chapter 55

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I stood there with my arms cross and anxiously tapping my foot. He should be waking up any time now. I don't know why I was doing this or how I was going to explain this to Ben, but I needed to figure it out later. I paced back and forth checking him every few seconds, but I know it would need a little time for him to fully wake up. He had been in this state for almost a whole month without being woken up. I could see a screen with his vitals on it and they were slowly getting more active. I was anxiously awaiting when he'd be awake.

I snapped my head to his when I heard his heat beat pick up. His chest started to rise and fall dramatically. I kept my eyes glued to him. His eyes snapped open and he was jolted awake. He sat up in the capsule and his hands went to his chest. He looked around, but when he was sat up his back was too me. He looked down and felt his chest over obviously looking for his necklace, which was warm in my hand.

"Looking for something?" I asked and he snapped around. His eyes were white and he looked much weaker than I remembered. He stepped down off the capsule and barefoot onto the cold floor beneath him.

"Where am I?" He asked holding an arm to his abdomen.

"Star Killer." I said flatly.

"Are you going to kill me?" He asked looking as if he might throw up.

"No, I would have a while ago if I had wanted to." I said.

"Then what do you want? To torture me? I'll end myself if that's all I have to look forward to." He said as a face of hatred washed over him.

"I'm not going to torture you, but if you still wish to end yourself I won't stop you." I said taking a seat on the bench and crossing my legs. "Listen you're alive because we have decided to let you live. Don't think we need you alive because frankly I could care less."

"That's not true." He said. "There's something more I can see it in your eyes."

"Luke Skywalker." I said flatly.

"What about him?" He asked.

"Where did he come from and what does he want?" I asked.

"He was hiding away on a planet past the outer rim. He was studying the Force and the light. He has discovered new abilities and powers even the Sith cannot fathom. That's why he wants you. That's why we wanted you." He said angrily.

"Sure, and what secondary plot was he going to use them for? What powers has he discovered that the rest of us haven't? Enlighten me." I said in a snarky tone.

"It's like multiplication. When two Force users on the same wavelength come together and harvest their powers instead of the power of two Jedi it becomes the power of hundreds. To create that permanent bond would make us the two most powerful beings in the galaxy, we'd be unstoppable. We'd live forever." He said.

"How does he know this? Have you seen it? Because last I checked no ones more powerful than me and I'd love to meet a challenge." I said.

"I've never seen it, but it's in ancient books of the sacred texts. It was hidden in fear of someone misusing it." He said.

"Luke Skywalker, the murderer wouldn't misuse it?" I asked.

"If we come together he won't matter, it'll be you and I together against whoever we want. He could die for all I care, I want this power, for us. I want us to do good, but you're my only hope to get it. You're the only family I have left." He said looking broken.

"If you don't care then why is he involved. If he's shown you how to do this then why keep him alive?" I asked.

"He doesn't want to show me, he wants to teach us. He wants to go down in history for making us. He doesn't want the power for himself he just wants to create it." He said.

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