Chapter 68

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I woke to a weird place I'd never seen before. I was in a bed and I couldn't see anyone next to me. The only light was coming from the moon outside the window I could barley make out. I reached out and felt the sheets around me, only to come up with nothing, but cold sheets.

"Ben?" I called out softly. I waited a moment but I was left with silence. I felt a sudden wave of anxiety wash over me, I didn't know why, but I didn't like being alone. "Ben."

I shouted a little louder this time and I almost jumped at the sound of his reply.

"I'm right here." He said from across the room. He sounded relaxed and that alone soothed me. I saw the faint tall outline of his tall body walk back into the room. He was barley visible, but he was shirtless. His skin was a soft blue because of the moonlight. I felt the other side of the bed dip as he crawled up and I immediately clung to his side. "Everything alright?"

"I think so." I said unsure of what was going on.

"It's your turn next." He said hugging me tightly as he got more comfortable.

"For what?" I asked him, hearing the sound of my voice vibrate through his chest.

"Its been my turn the last three times, the rest of the night is on you." He said chucking softly as he rubbed my back softly.

"For what Ben?" I asked looking up to him.

Before I could get an answer I was sucked out of the dream and I almost jumped out of my own skin. I sat straight up and I was back in Ben's library. I looked to Ben who was half awake rubbing his eyes. The fire had gone down considerably. In the fireplace it had now subsided down to a dark orange log that looked as thought it was burning from within. It shined like an ember, but there was no visible flames just the left over heat taking out the final log.

"Another dream?" He ask catching me off guard. I snapped my head towards him as he placed a hand on my thigh.

"A weird one." I said almost out of breath.

"Was it about Apollo again?" He asked taking my shaking hands as I sat up straddling him. I took a second to gather my breath before I could lay down again.

"No," I said with relief. "for once."

"Then what?" He asked sitting up a little more and looking me up and down.

"Not sure, I woke up in a bed alone and then you came in and kept telling me it was my turn, but you thought it was funny." I said confused. "I don't understand what you meant."

"That's weird, I don't know." He said and he seemed genuine. "Lay back down, yeah?"

I nodded and laid back down on my back and he assumed his position again wrapping himself around me. I hugged him closely back as I tried to decipher what that dream could possibly mean. It probably meant nothing, but after a series of horror dreams where I had to relive the worst thing that's ever happened to me, that dream confused me. It was something so simple and like so many of my other dreams. I dreamt being scared and alone looking for him. That dialogue just confused me, but maybe I was just overthinking it.

I closed my eyes and tried to relax after a while. Something in my stomach wasn't sitting right. I couldn't put my tongue in it, but it was going to bother me until I can figure it out. I reluctantly slipped back into sleep and hoped the rest of the night would be quiet, but it wasn't.

I woke the next day and went about my normal business. I showered and had a decent breakfast. I went to medical for something to ease my pain, but they seemed very reluctant to give me anything. I had come to them before for less and never had an issue, but the droid I spoke to today seemed off, like it's wires had gotten crossed somewhere.

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