Chapter 58

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Ben, Hux, Sloane, and myself stood in the prison chamber we had Apollo in. We were going to wake up and attempt to erase part of his memory. After Sloane investigated into it she came up with some complicated results.

She was the person who originally erased our minds back when we escaped the Jedi Temple. She was the one who arranged the whole situation, but she's never only erased part of someone's memories. She had only ever erased the whole mind. She couldn't find much to help her research what we were trying to do, but being that his memories were already wiped once before she might be able to revert his memory back to a specific point. The chances weren't high, but they were our only chances.

Hux and Sloane stood outside the chamber while Ben and I were inside. We were going to wake him up and talk to him before we take him to medical. He was going to be okay with this plan, but we needed to explain what we were going to do incase he saw any immediate problems.

I was worried he would see an immediate plot hole and we be left not knowing what else to do or where to go from. Ben pressed some buttons on the panel and the capsule opened letting out the mist. Apollo laid still taking in bigger breaths every few seconds. He sat up abruptly and looked around the room and he shrunk back.

"Warm welcoming I see." He said not seeming enthralled. He slowly slid down off the capsule and onto the floor. He did a small stretch because I'm sure it wasn't comfortable waking up after being stuck still for weeks.

"You're a pretty big deal." Ben said sounding like he wasn't happy to be speaking to him. "Your idea to erase your memory isn't completely awful."

"Are we really going to do it?" He asked almost caught off guard.

"Sort of, were going to try and erase your memory back to when you were my apprentice. Convince you that I'm sending you and Athena on a mission to convince Luke that you're deflecting from The First Order and that you'll be apart of his experiment to link two powerful Force users. After he creates the link you'll assassinate Luke and then this will all be done." Ben said.

"What about after that? What if the linking doesn't work?" He asked.

"Athena is going to lead the mission. We'll tell you she's more experienced and you'll follow her lead so whatever Athena says goes. Well give her an implant to track her as well as you but she'll have a com so she can communicate with us back at the Star Killer." Ben said.

"What about after this mission? What happens to me then?" He asked crossing his arms.

"We haven't thought that far." Ben said crossing his arms as well as he looked down at Apollo. "Where did you want to go?"

"I wanted to stay." He said looking awkwardly between Ben and I.

"What?" I asked almost rudely.

"I've had a lot of time to think and I don't ever think we'll see eye to eye. Being alone for the first time in my life this last year..." He started and he trailed off. "I want you to tell me after the mission that you're my sister. I know you hate me, but if you erase my memory I won't be the same person. I want to be a better brother."

The room was silent for a moment. I could feel Ben and the others eyes burning into the side of my head. I wasn't sure how I felt about him, but I didn't want to lose my family. I took a deep breath and placed my hands on my hips. I looked to Apollo and he genuinely looked hurt. Like he was really upset about something.

"Alright." I said nodding and I could see his mood slightly raise. "Let's get him to the lab."

Ben held out his cuffs and he nodded holding out his hands. Ben attached the cuffs to his hand and he gestured him out of the chamber. He was slow to start walking because he seemed uncomfortable, but we made our way down there. They restored his old room on the Star Killer so it would look like room before he disbanded. After he was released we would have him wake up in his own bed like it was a new day. We would then find out how much of his memory was actually erased.

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