Weekly Idol

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DISCLAIMER: Ok so this is my first fanfic. English isn't my first language so bear with my mistakes please. I hope you enjoy.(?)

About you:
Your name is Park Mio. You are half Korean  and half (whatever u want). You can speak 7 languages; English, Korean, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Spanish, French.

Your group name is Playback. Your group consists of 5 members. You are the Main Dancer, Lead Rapper, and Visual.

Kim Chaemin- Leader, lead vocal
Oh Sohyun- Main Vocal
Lee Chaeyoung- Lead dancer, vocal
Cho Rachelle- Main rapper, Maknae


Mio's POV,

My group and I had been invited for Weekly Idol's 500th Episode Celebration (im not really sure if they reached 500 episodes or more but whatever).

"5 minutes everybody!!" Chaemin-unnie called.

I put on my white shoes quickly before rushing out of my room. I smiled at my teammates before we headed outside where the van waited.

"You look so adorable in that Mio!!" Chaeyoung exclaimed pinching both of your cheeks as we sat together at the back.

"You look so adorable in that Mio!!" Chaeyoung exclaimed pinching both of your cheeks as we sat together at the back

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(Your outfit^^ but u can change the color if u want)

(Your outfit^^ but u can change the color if u want)

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(le shoes)

I laughed at her remark. "Thanks unnie.."

I sat back down at my seat, sinking into its softness. I'm actually quite nervous. Not because I'll be on TV, but because we would be accompanied by a boy group. I cross my fingers that it wouldn't be Stray Kids. Why? Oh I'll tell you why.

Because I'm a die hard Stay.

Time skip brought to you by Jeongin's dolphin scream~~~

Sohyun-unnie opened the door to the studio carefully, revealing a rushed group of camera men getting in their places.

The staff greeted us with warm smiles as we headed towards the loading zone. As we got closer, the backs of nine men became more and more clear. I nervously fiddled with the hem of my sweater, which by the way reached my mid thigh.

The men turned to look at the approaching group. My eyes widened as I scanned the familiar faces in front of me.

"1,2,3. Step out! Hello, we are Stray Kids!" The group greeted.

My members looked at me with wide eyes, knowing that I was a fan of this boy group. I had forgotten how to breathe until, Chaemin-unnie greeted back.

"1,2,3. Hello, we are Playback!" They chorused.

Rachelle, the maknae, younger than me by a month, nudged my arm as I didn't bow. I was so shocked that I had also left my mouth open.

"Sorry about her... She's not in her best today." Chaeyoung-unnie explained to the boys, who were giving me worried looks.

I would've gotten mad at Chaeyoung-unnie if it weren't for the brown haired squrriel staring straight back at me. My bias. The oh so talented, Han Jisung.

"I-it's nice to m-meet yo-you.." I stuttered, before bowing a 90° angle. They smiled in reply before turning their backs to look at the hosts, whom were about to begin.

"Are you okay, unnie?" Rachelle asked as she clinged on my arm. "I hope you won't faint.."

"Oh my gosh.." I muttered, feeling myself heating up. His face flashed on my mind. Soft brown hair, round cheeks, plump lips, and beautiful eyes. I had had a crush on him for a long time, and this isn't how I wanted to meet him.

I mentally cursed at myself for being such a dweeb a few moments ago. Nevertheless, I shook off all the thoughts as the hosts call our names.

"It's really nice to meet all of you today!" Doni greeted to the cameras.

We were seated at the stools. From left to right was Chaemin-unnie, Sohyun-unnie, Chaeyoung-unnie, Rachelle, and me.

The group next to me was Stray Kids. All smiling. I always watched them through my phone screen, and I'm not surprised that they have this enormous amount of energy.

"Ok, so before we start our fun activities. Can you guys please introduce yourself and share an exciting fact." Hani said. " Let's start with Hyunjin.." she pointed the boy at the far right.

Even though I should've been the next one after the boys, Chaemin-unnie suggested that she should go first as I had a bigger exciting fact to save for the last.

I hated being last. My palms started to sweat. I continue to fiddle with my sweater. I had already planned what I was going to say.

I'm actually a social butterfly so introductions don't usually make me nervous. But what kept me fidgeting is the fact that I would confess infront of Stray Kids that I was a Stay.

A nudge on my elbow startled me. I looked up to see everyone already looking at me, waiting for my introduction.

I slowly stood up from my seat. I looked at the camera and smiled, my bunny teeth exposed due to my wide gummy smile.

"Hello everyone!" The nervousness faded away and my cheerful bubbly self took over me again.

"My name is Park Mio. You're favorite sunshine bunny! I'm the Main dancer, lead rapper and visual of Playback." I said enthusiastically.

"I'm also a--" I stopped and looked at Stray Kids. They all looked like they were anticipating my answer.

I looked down at my tiny feet (tinier than average) and started playing with the hem of my shirt as shyness took over me.

"I'm actually a.." I said in a whisper.

"She's a die hard Stay." A voice beside me said.

We all turned to look at the voice and saw Sohyun-unnie cocking me a brow. My cheeks turned red as I turned my head to take a glimpse at Stray Kids's reaction.

They all 'ooh-ed' and 'woah-ed' as they clapped. Shyly, I took my seat before hiding my embarassed face behind Rachelle's arm.

Sorry if that was lame. I'll try and make the second chapter more fun and exciting. Vote if you like☆☆it doesn't really matter to me. I just hope you enjoy.

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