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"Yeah, man. I think she'd love it." Felix said as he and Jisung stared at the ring.

With a big huff, Jisung pointed towards the ring. "I'll take this, please." He said as he took out his card.

The girl behind the glass hummed and placed the ring inside a black box. Jisung paid for it, the girl quickly putting it inside a paper bag before handing it to him.

"Good luck, sir." The girl cheered and bowed.

"Thanks." Jisung smiled. "C'mon Lix."

They pulled up their masks and walked outside the store, their manager silently following.


"Okay,okay. Did you send her the invitation yet?" Jisung asked as he placed his tuxedo on a hanger, his phone pressed between his ear and his shoulder.

"She did. We're about to go take her dress later." Chaemin answered from the other side of the line.

"Okay good. Thanks Chae." He quickly hung up the phone and walked towards their dorm's living room.

Hyunjin, Minho, and Changbin were in the kitchen busy cooking their dinner. Felix and Jeongin battled against each other on Mario Kart. Woojin was simply on his phone with a sleeping Seungmin on his shoulder. Chan however, was busy sending out the notifications and procedure of Jisung's poroposal to their staffs, guests, and idols. Yes, idols. Now, continue reading gosh dang it.

"Dang it!" Jeongin huffed as he lost the game, a wild (and happy) Felix giggling.

"Oh, hey hyung." Jeongin smiled as he noticed the boy standing behind them.

Jisung looked like a mess. His hair was like a bird's nest, sweat trickled down his forhead, and his shirt was all wrinkled.

Jisung huffed out an exhausted sigh, massaging his forhead slowly as he sat on the free small space on couch.

"How's everything going?" Jeongin asked while crawling towards Jisung.

"Everything's going well, i guess?" He replied. "I don't know. I'm probably just nervous?"

Jeongin grinned. "Don't worry. Everything's going to go great tomorrow. But for now, you should relax."

Jisung smiled at the encouraging words the maknae said. "Okay. Thanks, Innie."


Mio hung the dress on the hook beside her bed. She stood in awe, examining the expensive dress they got for free.

"Oh, wow. That's fudging gorgeous." Rachelle said, standing just behind her.

"I know, right? And guess what?" Mio chuckled. "Apparently, someone paid for my dress before I even got there."

Rachelle gasped, though it was fake. But she couldn't let Mio know that. "Damn. Really? Do you know who paid for it?" She asked, pretending to not know anything about the surprise proposal.

"I don't know either. The guy in charge said that the one who paid for it would have rather stayed anonymous." Mio said.

Rachelle nodded. "But don't you have any guesses?"

Mio pressed her lips into a thin line as she thought of the possible people who would've paid for the dress. "It could be Jisung."

Rachelle's eyes widened at the accurate guess. "W-why would you think that?" Unfortunately, she stuttered.

"Pft. I don't know." Mio laughed. "I mean, he is my boyfriend."

"Oh.." Rachelle gulped, not wanting to ask anymore questions that could lead to her spilling the surprise.

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