Confronting the Stalker

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Mio's POV,
We were greated by fans and fansites when we passed through the gateway of the airport. My left hand was wrapped around Jisung's right, leaving my right hand to hold onto my luggage. I bowed down to the people as we walked through with guards surrounding us.

"My manager will be here soon.." Jisung said as he checked his phone. "Are you hungry?"

I shook my head. "We just ate on the plane... Like a few minutes ago."

He chuckled and shrugged. We stood in front of the airport doors, waiting for our ride.

"JISUNG! MIO!" we heard fans cheer.

We both bursted into smiles and waved. The fans cheered louder, proud of the interaction. Suddenly, a strong wind blew against us, making me shiver.

Jisung noticed this and he started to take off his jacket. My hands flew around trying to stop Jisung from taking his jacket off.

"It's cold." He stated with pouted lips.

I chuckled. "Exactly why you should wear it." I said and slipped it back onto him, the loud cheers of the fans behind us.

Jisung sighed. "But let me atleast get you something warm." he said before laying his luggage down on the floor.

He took out an oversized orange hoodie, which I must say was really thick. I rolled my eyes and took it from him, slipping ut on me quickly.

The fans squealed, making Jisung and I look at my outfit.

If the sweater was oversized for Jisung, it would be a dress for me. No kidding, the sweater ended just above my knees, my fingers couldn't even reach the end of the sleeve.

Jisung laughed at the sight, taking out his phone to take a picture. I just pouted at the camera.

"OWO, so adorable..." Jisung giggled.

"Did you just say 'owo'?" I laughed, hugging myself against the cloth's fragrance.

He rolled his eyes, chuckling. A black van beeped, catching our attention. Jisung then grabbed my hand and started walking towards it, guards following us.

"Let's go home."

The girls pulled me to a bone crushing hug as soon as they saw me walk through the door.

"I missed my roomie!" Rachelle squealed as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

I chuckled. "Awww, I missed ya'll too."

"C'mon Rachelle, go and help her with her things." Chaemin said, pulling Rachelle away from me and pulling me to a quick tight hug.

She placed a peck on the top of my head. "I bet you're tired. Go clean up and sleep."

I smiled at her and bid my 'good-nights' to the others before walking to Rachelle and I's shared room.

There, I saw her unpacking my stuff. I sighed and rolled down to my bed. "Thanks Rache..." I huffed, yawning.

She sent me a smile, dropping my used clothes down the laundry basket. I stretched my arms on the bed, my bones cracking here and there.

My phone dinged. I smiled at the thought of Jisung. I reached for it from my back pocket and opened the message.

I frowned.

Unknown number
I see you're back home
Let's hang out soon yeah?

Rachelle noticed the distressed look on my face. "Is it the stalker?" she asked, worry and annoyance evident in her voice.

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