The Stalker

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Mio's POV,

ISAC had been going on for a few days. It had been fun and exciting, winning a few medals here and there. Currently, I'm in front of our bathroom mirror, putting on makeup.

I finished and went out, taking my phone off the cupboard. It suddenly buzzed. I smiled when I thought it was Jisung who had texted me, instead I frowned. My eyebrows pulled together.

It was an unknown number. I had hoped that Jisung was only pranking me and opened the message.

Mio I love you
Let's get married
You will be my wife
I will be by you forever

My mouth fell open as my heart beat quickened. It was a stalker. How and where did he get my phone number?

"Mio, c'mon." I heard Rachelle call. "I'm waiting. The others are in the van."

"Coming!" I yell. I slid my phone inside my jacket's pocket and ran to Rachelle.

Beads of sweat fell down my forehead as I fiddled with my fingers. My throat was dry and many thoughts ran to my head. I reached the van, my eyes immediately searching for our leader.

I saw her two seats from the back, next to the window. A seat beside her was free. I scrambled my way to sit beside her, Rachelle looking at me with pure betrayal.

I gave her a sorry face and she shrugged it off. Taking my seat, Chaemin faced me.

"Oh hi..." she said, taking off her ear pods. " You aren't sitting at the back?"

I gulped. I shook my head and showed her my phone. "I have something to tell you..."

Chaemin held my hand tightly as we headed outside the van and into the stadium, my other members forming a protective circle.

I had told everyone about the stalker earlier as it was the wisest thing to do. Keeping secrets like that would only cause me more trouble.

The manager also listened to us and he said that he'd talk to the CEO about it. He reassured that we'd be safe today since there were a lot of security here. I only nodded. We had to trust each other on this. We will have to watch each others' backs until we get instructions from the CEO.

"Should I block the number?" I asked Chaemin.

"Not yet..." She replied. "Maybe we could still use that as source for investiagtion purposes or proof when we report it."

I nod. We reach the inside and we immediatly waved to our fans, who cheered us on nicely. Of course we didn't forget to greet the others. We found us a big space and decided that we sit down there. Stray Kids wasn't far.

They immediately noticed us and went over, still looking cool in their pink outfits.

"G'day mate..." (Secretly an aussie) Hyunjin greeted us as they sat down beside us. We bowed in reply.

I scooched over to Jisung and pulled him to a big hug. He smiled and hugged back.

"Jijiiiiii..." I whined and nuzzled my face into his chest. He laughed and ruffled my hair.

"Ugh... There they go again." I heard Seungmin groan.

We all laughed in response. My ears turning red a bit.

Today was better than the other days as the boys had decided to stay here with us. Of course they went to their fans and to their seniors, but eventually found their way back to us.

The games went on and we earned a few more medals. Jisung also won a silver medal on the Doing Nothing Contest. I was confused for a while.

The most noisy problematic member of Stray Kids was able to shut up for a long time? It wasn't possible. The other members, Stays, and I had a theory that he had finished composing 10 songs in the time that he was staring into nothing.

Anyways, we were standing on the same spot, talking about our previous wins and matches. We were in a compressed circle, my back facing the bleachers. Jisung was beside me to the left, Sohyun to my right.

I was talking about how Jisung felt a bit jealous when some other groups were eyeing my outfit during my Rythmic Gymnastics performance as I was wearing tight (leotards? What? Whatever the gymnasts wear) when suddenly, my hair was pulled.

It had so much force that my head was pulled back and I soon collapsed on the floor, my head hitting the cold ground first.

My friends gasped and quickly rushed to my aid. I held a hand in the side of my head as I hissed, my eyes brimming tears.

We all turned to the reason of the incident, and saw a man in staff uniform, probably in his early-30s. He stood up from the ground, and he seemed to be unfazed.

The other staff members nearby gathered at the scene, the fans behind us hollering words at the man.

The stranger bowed as he saw the other staff running. "I'm sorry. I slipped." he said, though to me it seemed insincere.

"Mio are you okay?" Jisung asked and held a hand at the back of my head where I hit. His voice showed worry, anger, and disbelief.

I nod and blink away the tears that threatend to fall. They helped me up, my legs a bit shaky.

"What happened?" A staff asked. Another handing me ice cubes.

I took it and placed it on my head, giving out a muffled thanks.

"I'm so sorry." The man said again. "I slipped and didn't know what to do. I just grabbed the nearest thing. I'm sorry."

The staff apologized again and guided the man away from us. They asked me if I needed medic, but I declined politely.

Once they were gone, I faced them back.

"You think that was him?" Sohyun asked.

"Too soon to tell."

The boys looked confused and started asking questions. "What are you guys talking about?" Chan asked.

The gurls looked at me and nodded. "Tell them."

I sighed and fished my phone out. "I have a stalker." I explained and showed them the text message.

Jisung's brows furrowed as he took my phone to read. They were quiet as they scanned the message that was sent for me.

They handed my phone back after a few gasps. Jisung soon hugged me after reading.

"Gosh, I can't do anything but feel scared and worried for you..." he said before letting go and facing his members. "Take me to the hospital. I feel my heart hurting."

Everyone rolled their eyes at him being dramatic. "Oh shut up. She's more composed than you." Felix chided.

I slipped my hand in his and sighed. "Don't worry. CEO-nim will think of something." I reassured.

Jisung smiled softly, placing his hand on the back of my head. Slowly, he leaned forward, planting a kiss on the top of my head. "Always be careful, okay?"

I nod.

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