Don't worry... I'm here

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Jisung's POV,

"Ok guys..." Chan said, clapping his hands. "Pack up so that we could go home."

I changed my shirt with the extra I had in ny bag and changed, facing the wall. My phone suddenly rang. I speed up changing and looked to see who the caller was. I smiled to myself as I answered the call.

"Hey babeeee...." I said.

There was heavy breathing from the other line. Small, soft sobs were heard. My brows furrowed as I continued to listen.

"Babeeeee oohhhh~.." I heard Changbin tease. The others bursted into laughter.

I turned to glare at them and put a finger on my lips. "Now's not the right time." I tell them. They instantly zipped their mouths as they listened.

"Mio? Mio?" I call again.

There was a long silent pause between us and the other line. There muffled noises and nothing else. My heart beated faster from the fact that I was scared.

Finally, she spoke. "J-Jisungie..."

Her voice cracked, and she was sniffing. My heart broke from what I heard. Mio was crying.

"Babe, why are you crying? Want to tell me?" I asked, but she hadn't answered. "You want me to come over?"

"mhm.." she said softly, her breath hitching every time.

I look at the boys as they gave me worried looks. "We'll drive you there." Chan said.

I reached their front door in the speed of light as soon as Chan parked the car. I rang the doorbell to two times, indicating that I was here. The door opened and revealed a frowning Sohyun.

"She's crying in her room..." was all she said before I dashed to find Mio.

I opened her bedroom door and there I found her, sitting on her bed with her head on her knees. Rachelle was beside her, patting her back.

"Mio..." I mummbled, slowly walking to her bed.

Rachelle noticed me and stood up. She smiled at me as I bowed to her as greeting.

"Please..." she said, almost in a whisper. "Cheer her up. Comfort her.."

I nod and went over to sit beside Mio, kicking off my shoes before climbing the bed. Mio's sobs were muffled but were still loud enough for me to hear.

My heart broke at the sight. Tears also swelled up in my eyes. "Mio..."

She immediately hugged me, wrapping her
arms around my waist tightly. She buried her face to my chest, her crying got more intense.

"Jisung..." She tried to say, her voice cracking. "I'm sc-scared.. Jisung.."

I wrapped my arms around her head, making her feel protected. I leaned closer and kissed the top of her head.

"Don't worry..." I said. "We've got your back. Everyone's got your back. I've got your back." I kissed her head again.

For minutes, we stayed in each other's embrace. Mio cried out all her worries in my shirt, leaving me soaked with her tears.

When she finally ran out of tears to shed, she apologized for the shirt. I laughed.

"It's fine..." I said and started to take off my shirt. But was stopped when Mio slapped my hands.

"YAH!" she yelled. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"I'm taking my shirt off." I said casually and continued to slip it off of me.

I was left in my pants, my upper body bare. Mio turned red and covered her eyes with her hands. I laughed at her reaction.

"I'll lend you a shirt..." she then rushed to her closet and took out a yellow oversized shirt.

She walked back to me with her eyes closed. "Here." she said and stretched out her hand with the shirt in it.

Instead of taking the shirt, I smirked and grabbed her wrist. She yelped as I pulled her down to the bed, hovering over her as she laid on her back. She blushed, looking like a tomatoe.

"What- what are you d-doing?" she stuttered.

I leaned in closer. "Want me to help you forget about your problems?" I asked cockily, my smirk growing bigger.

She shook her head vigorously, scared a little at what I was about to do. I smiled softly now, slowly swiping aside the hair on her face. Her expression finally softened.

"I love you, Mio..." I said, almost in a whisper.

Her eyes widened, a little taken aback.

"I love you too, Jisung." she finally replied.

I smiled and leaned in closer to fill the gap between us. Our eyes fluttered to a close, our hearts beating faster everytime another centimeter disappeared.

"We'll be going now Ji-- WOAH!" it was Chan.

We both jolted up and acted to be busy with other things. I began flipping through the pages of a book on Rachelle's bed. Mio started folding the shirt on her hands.

Chan smirked. "Oh guys~~ .." He said and walked over to the living room. "I've got something to tell you..."

"They didn't leave yet?!" I cursed to myself.

Mio suddenly threw the shirt to my face. "Put it on now." she said sternly.

I chuckled and slipped it on. She tucked her self in her bed and burried her face her pillow. "Stay with me pleasshh..." her voice was muffled.

"Ok.. I'll go tell Chan." I walked over to the door, not forgetting to kiss Mio's head before going out.

I heard the others talking in the living room abour me and Mio. When I showed up, they sent me teasing stares. I blushed a little knowing what they were talking about.

"I can't believe you were bare on the top earlier. I asked you to comfort her not seduce her." Rachelle chided, to which the others laughed at.

"No I didn't." I scrunched my eyebrows, my cheeks becoming redder.

"You never exposed your body to us, much less to the fans. And now you were gonna do it with your girlfriend." Felix teased.

I huffed my tomatoe cheeks. "I'm telling you, we weren't gonna do it."

They continued teasing me and I continued to deny their crazy thoughts. That was until Mio finally called me back to sleep. The guys sent me looks and smirks.

"I'll be going. Wipe those smugs off your faces you jackasses and go home." I glared at them before walking back to Mio's room.

"We'll buy you some condoms later Han!" they called before I slammed the door on their faces.

"Sorry 'bout them..." I smiled at Mio before walking to her. I slipped beside her in her bed, pulling the blanket up to my chest.

"Go to sleep now. Goodnight." I said and kissed her forehead before she nuzzled her face on my neck. I wrapped my arm on her waist.

"Good night Jisung..."

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