That's One Way To Announce It

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Mio's POV,

I walked along the small alleyway, on my way to the small cafe Jisung and I had planned to go.

I smiled to myself as I smelled the flowers from the flower shop I had just passed.

Today was a good day. The sun was out, but the clouds covered it. The breeze was cold and strong. And I felt great.

I opened the door to the cafe, it' bells ringing. I bowed to the people (staff) before scanning the room to find my boyfriend.

I saw him seated in a table for two near the window. I grinned and made my way to the table.

He noticed me immediately and smiled before getting up from his seat.

"Hey babe." I greeted as we hugged each other.

Jisung kissed the top of my head before letting me go. We both found our way to our seats and got seated. Jisung quickly handed me a cup of coffee, my favorite.

I smiled at him and said my thanks before taking a sip. I hummed softly after tasting my favorite drink. I slumped on my seat, feeling A LOT more better.

"How are you?" Jisung asked.

I laughed. "Seriously, you called me a few minutes earlier and asked the same thing."

Jisung pouted and blushed.

"Are you nervous?" I asked.

He slightly shook his head, feeling embarrased.

I sighed and smiled, grabbing his hand. "Look, if you don't wanna do it today... Then we could do it another day."

"No no, I want it to be today. I'm just.." He mummbled. "Scared of what they would think."

I smiled and pulled my chair to his side, planting a small kiss on his cheek when I did.

I laid my head on his shoulder. "You're such a baby.." I said.

Suddenly, he jolted up. His eyebrows were scrunched together. And his cheeks couldn't
be anymore puffed.

"I'm not a baby.." He said.

I pouted. "Aren't you my baby?"

He blushed. "That's debatable."

We bursted into laughter. But we made sure that we didn't disturb other customers.

I fished my phone out after laughing.

"How should we do it?" I asked. Flipping the camera's view.

Suddenly, Jisung took it. In a flash, he had opened my Instagram and grabbed me. He put two fingers on my cheeks, squishing them.

He smiled widely at the camera while I on the other hand, had scrunched eyebrows.

The picture turned out pretty cute. We chuckled to ourselves lightly, seeing the picture.

But before we could type out our caption, my phone buzzed.

A notification from Dispatch. Our eyes widened and we immediately checked the post.

Stray Kids's Han Jisung and Playback's Park Mio Dating?

Jisung and I look at each other with raised brows. We were both in the dibelief phase before finally chuckling, breaking the silence.

"Well.. What now?" He asked, considering in deleting the photo, but I stopped his hand.

"It's fine." I said. "Let's just write the caption difderently than planned."

I typed out: 'Dispatch got ahead of us'
With #Jisungieee♡♡
Thanks for the coffee♡

And posted! I slowly placed my phone down on the table and sighed to myself, leaing down on my chair.

Jisung pushed back his hair and laid his head on my shoulder. I grabbed my coffee and drank it's remains.

Random female fan's POV,

I sat on the living room couch lazily, scrolling down my feed. I sighed at myself, feeling all bored and lame.

Suddenly, a notification from Dispatch popped up. My eyes widened as I read the Headline.

I instantly got up from my seat, thoughts and mixed feeling ran through my head.

I grinned widely, ear to ear. Han and Mio are dating? I couldn't have been more excited.

I screamed and started to run around my house, my hands grabbing my hair.

I'll forever support this ship!! Finally! It' sailing!! AHHHHH!

I shared the news to my friends and they shared it to others and so on and on.

The next thing I new, it was #4 trending in Twitter.

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