Vocal Room

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Mio's POV,

I fluttered my eyes open and the light from the window shone on the dark quiet room. Beside my bed was an asleep Rachelle. I was still so tired from the days of endless dance practices. SBS Inkigayo was only a week away.

I groggily walked out of my room and into the bathroom. I took a quick hot shower and got dressed into black jeans and a cream-colored knitted sweater.

When I reached the kitchen, I saw Sohyun making some pancakes. I yawned as I took a seat.

Sohyun noticed my presence and turned to look at me.

She smiled. "Good morning."

I hummed in response. My eyes feeling a bit heavy.

"Is Chaemin awake yet?" She asked. She finished two pancakes and placed them in a plate before setting it in front of me.

"Thanks." I said. "And to answer your question, no. I haven't seen her. I guess she's still asleep."

It took me a few minutes to eat as I savored the pancakes. Every bite was euphoric and the taste was, well... there aren't good words to describe Sohyun's cooking.

I looked at the time on my watch and quickly rushed when I saw that I had less than 20 minutes to get there.

My manager arrived with a car 5 minutes after I got ready. He drove me to JYP building just in time.

With a muttered thanks, I closed the door and ran into the building's vocal room where I was greeted by an asleep squirrel.

Jisung was on the couch, his knees on his chest. I smiled and sighed quietly as I put down my bag on the side.

Slowly, I walked up to him.

I leaned down, my face only a few inches away from his cheek. "Jisungaaaaaaahhhh.." I whispered.

"Hmm?" He answered, his eyes still closed.

"C'mon, let's start practicing..." I said.

"Hmm.." He said again, moving a little as he adjusted himself a bit more comfortably on the couch.

"Yah. Jisungaaaa.." I groaned before plopping down on top of him.

He whined at me. "Hey.." he said.


"You're heavy..."

I glared at him. It probably would've burned a hole on his side if I continued.

"C'mon then.." I stood up and pulled him out of the couch.

He stood up, his head a little bit light. He rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"Why were you sleeping here?" I asked, taking a seat in one of the chairs.

He only yawned again and slowly (and groggily) walked up behind me, wrapping his hands around my neck.

My heart fluttered at his touch. Slowly, he laid his chin on my shoulder.

"I'm sleepy.." He finally said. His voice all raspy and deep.

My ears turned red when I felt his hot breath on my neck. We stayed like that for a while. Both of our hearts beating rapidly, though we didn't show it.

The door suddenly opened and there popped out, Bang Chan the kangaroo.

Jisung immediately slipped his hands away and took a seat beside me, clearing his throut.

"I didn't interupt anything right?" Bang Chan grinned at us devishly.

"No." We answered with red faces.

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