My Brother

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Mio's POV,

Today was a free day, and I decided to stay plopped down on my bed. I had nothing on my schedule today, and now that my collab with Jisung is over, I feel bummed.

I miss his presence already, even though we saw each other yesterday.

I need cuddles. Big, fluffy cuddles.

Today is actually a good day for cuddles. The sun isn't out, and the breeze is cold and damp. But it doesn't look like it's going to rain also.

My phone buzzed. I rolled over until I fell on the floor and lazily walked my way to the desk by the window.

Jisung texted me. My day seemed to brighten all of a sudden.

Hey babe

I grinned to myself, biting my lower lip.

He's been calling me a lot of names for the past few days. He started with princess, my girl, Mimi, and now, he's calling me babe.

I hurriedly grabbed the mustard yellow cased phone.

Yo Jiji
What are you up to?

Nothing really





Be there in ten

I literally rolled on the floor and towards the bathroom where I took my hot shower.

After a few minutes I was dressed in comfy oversized pjs and a large sweater I kinda
stole from Jisung.

The doorbell rings and a bright smile stretched across my face.

I practically ran down the hallways to open the door. When I did, I immediately hugged him, sniffing out the perfume.

"Heyyy." He said trying to balance us both from my attack. I smiled into his shirt.

"C'mon in." I said and grabbed his hand, leading him to the living room.

Jisung and I sat down and turned the TV on, watching anything that was on the channels. We slowly found ourselves in each others arms, all warm and comfortable.

"Do you wanna reveal it yet?" He asked, completely out of the blue.

I continued to stare at the TV, in deep thought. We went silent for a few minutes.

"I'm actually fine with it," I said. "I really want the world to know you're mine."

Jisung smiled. "Likewise."

"Would you mind if we showed our affection outside?" I asked. Jisung turned to me.

"Like HyunA and Edawn?" I nod.

"I wouldn't mind." He answered, planting a kiss on the top of my head.

The farthest we went was when I kissed the side of his lips. Jisung said he didn't want to
corrupt my innocence, so he's doing things slow.

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