SBS Inkigayo

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Mio's POV,

I stare at my reflection through the mirror infront of me. Two weeks passed quickly and our performance is in a few minutes.

Jisung and I sat quietly at our dressing room, his eyes glued to his phone.

I slid my chair next to him and placed my chin on his shoulder.

"Hey babe.." He said taking a quick qlimpse of you.

He was texting his members and it seems like they would be here soon. I puffed my cheeks and blowed on his ear softly due to boredom.

Sometimes he'd flinch when the air hits directly inside of his ear or he'd giggle when it tickled.

Before I could blow another strong wind into his ear, he turned his head towards me.

Our hearts beated fast as our face were only a few inches away. I pouted, pursing my lips. Jisung teasingly leaned in closer.

When he noticed that I wasn't moving away, he smirked.

"It would have been easier if you just told me you wanted a kiss..." He teased.

My heart fluttered and I felt my knees wobbling. But I decided that I didn't want to back off.

"It was that easy?" I aksed. Jisung's ears turned red.

"Well... I ... You..." He stuttered as he tried to make a comeback. I smirked in accomplishment.

I leaned away from him and slumped on my chair. It was Jisung's turn to slide his chair infront of mine.

As he neared me, he opened his arms wide. I welcomed him into an embrace. He laid his head on the crook of my neck, as he snakes his arms around my waist.

We sat like that in comfortable silence. I played with his soft hair, occasionally carressing his ear lobe with my cold fingers.

His hot breath hit my skin. My heart fluttered and my stomach did flips. My eyes wandered around the room before finally landing back on Jisung.

He had his eyes closed. Probably resting for a while.

The door creaked open, and came in 8 energetic boys. I turned to look at them and pursed my lips, bringing a finger on it.

The boys got the message and they only muffled their cheers.

Jisung slowly got up as he heard the noises. He turned and saw his group.

He sat back up again and smiled at them. "Hey guys."

The others smiled.

"When will you be performing, hyung?" Jeongin asked.

"In a few minutes.." Jisung answered.

As if on cue, a lady popped in from outside. "You're up next." She said.

Jisung and I stood up. We bowed at the group and they cheered for us.

"We'll be waiting here." Chan said.

We bid them goodbye and followed the lady to the loading zone. The group before us was Twice. It made me nervous when they walked back to the backstage, their eyes never leaving us.

As a dedicated Once, I fangirled inside.

The group of girls smiled at us before they stopped walking, standing in front of us.

"So you're the girl that made Jisung weak on his knees." THE Im Nayeon said and shook my hand.

When she let go, my hand shook uncontrollably. I looked at Jisung with my jaw hanging open.

He laughed at me as he also knew about my fangirl side.

Twice cheered for us as they walked away.

Finally, we heard the MCs calling our names. My heart started beating fast and beads of sweat ran down my nape.

Jisung noticed this and he slid hand in mine again. I smiled at him and eyed him a thanks.

Time skip brought to you by Seungmin's 'Shoot Me' dance~~~~~~~~

The crowd cheered as we walked back backstage and into our dressing room.

I was out of breath and tired, but the cheers of the fans made me so happy that I forgot that I executed my all earlier.

Jisung and I plopped down on our chairs, panting heavily.

"That was amazing guys!" The boys commented. I smiled at them in return.

Felix handed out some water bottles and we took them gladly. I chugged down the bottle of water quicker than Jisung.

"Slow down, princess. We don't want you chocking to death." He laughed.

The other boys coughed. "Princes.." they said in between coughs.

Jisung only rolled his eyes while I blushed.

After resting for a while, Stray Kids and I headed out to eat at a restaurant. I texted my members to come eat with us.

Soon enough, my group arrived and we all sat at a long table. They all introduced theirselves to each other.

At the same night, Jisung and I told my members the news and they were delighted. We continued to talk and enjoyed each other company.

That was kinda lame LOL but ok
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