HanMio Couplouge

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(Lets say they got married already lmfao. Tbh, i dont know how to write wedding scenes.)

It has been four months since Mio's pregnancy and she and Jisung are currently living in a house together, in a show produced by KBS, with the permission of their CEOs.

Playback is currently in a hiatus, though they are planning to go their seperate ways soon.

"Good morning." Jisung greeted in a his morning voice raspy and deep, smiling lightly as he looked lovingly at his wife.

Mio fluttered her eyes, gazing up at the boy on the bed beside her and smiled. "I'm hungry." Was all she said before turning a bit on the mattress.

Jisung's eyes widened before he scoffed out a laugh, looking at the cameras around him. "Did you hear that? My wife didn't even greet me good morning." He remarked.

Mio stiffled out a laugh, turning around again to place a soft morning kiss on his lips. "Good morning!" She said.

With a satisfied toothy grin, Jisung stood up from the bed and began to make his way out of the room. "I'll make breakfast then." He said.

Throughout the months, Jisung had been learning to cook for Mio, as well as Felix who sometimes hang out with Jisung to learn new recipes.

He had been really busy trying to take care of her while also keeping up with their schedules- and Mio felt bad. Fortunately, JYP and their fans were really unserstanding.

After a few minutes, she got out of bed carefully, a hand on her big stomach and made her way to the kitchen where Jisung was making breakfast.

"Pancakes and- ooh! Eggs." Mio practically drooled at the sight and the amazing smell that filled the kitchen. "I love an american breakfast."

Jisung chuckled, placing the warm food on seperate plates for the two of them, before they sat on the table.

"Thank you!" Cheered Mio, digging in almost immediately.

Jisung looked lovingly at the girl, wrinkling his nose in delight as he was very fond of her cuteness.

"So," Mio broke the silence. "I was thinking of visiting the company today. Hang out with the boys and stuff."

Jisung snapped his head up, eyes glittering in delight as a big smile spread across his face. "Really? But won't it be hard for you?" As much as Jisung wanted to have a carefree day, he also wanted what was best for Mio and the baby, especially now that her stomach was growing bigger and heavier by the minute.

Mio shook her head and smiled. "Pft. I can handle it. Besides, I really wanted to get out of this house for once." She said.

"Aww, thank you baby." Jisung puckered his lips, leaning forward to give her a peck out of gratitude.


Camera men and a few crew members followed them outside the house and through the streets. Even when they went into a convenience store to buy snacks and desserts, a present for the boys.

"Let me help." Mio reached out her hand to the two plastic bags Jisung carried.

But he pulled them away when she did. "No, don't tire yourself." He said.

"What about you, then? You'd tire yourself instead."

"I'm fine." Jisung replied. "Besides, I'm pretty sure the baby you're carrying is much more heavier than these."

Mio pouted but nevertheless agreed, walking back to the black van, which was driven by Jisung's manager as he had called him earlier.

The two got inside and was soon on their way to JYPe building.

"Do you need anything? Water? Snack?" The boy seemed pretty restless and worried as it was Mio's first time out after awhile since she was pregnant.

Jisung always felt like it was his responsiblity to do all the work, while Mio focused on maintaining her health for the baby.

Mio released a hearty laugh, amused of the boy's remarks. "I'm good, Ji. I'm not dying or anything." She reassured, holding her husband's hand tightly.

Jisung ran a hand through his hair with a sigh. "I'm just looking out for you." He said. "Promise me you'd tell me if something feels wrong, okay?"

Mio pursed her lips, bobbing her head up and down. The two cracked a smile, leaning forward for a quick soft kiss.

They reached the company in no time, the van stopping in front of the back entrance of the building, in the underground parking area.

"I haven't been here in awhile." Mio mummbled as she stepped out of the van with the help of Jisung, a hand casually resting on her stomach as it felt only natural of her to do so.

"Yeah, I can't wait to surprise my members." Jisung added, giggling at the thought of the boys' surprised looks.

The two walked hand in hand into the small lobby (its a back entrance kay), waving at the guard that sat on a chair, before getting inside the elevator.

The camera men stood behind them, still filming, Mio and Jisung not even minding them nor finding it awkward.

In fact, the last few months, the camera men inside their house had been helping Mio with her pregnancy, whenever Jisung was troubled or when Mio needed assistance. It was safe to say, that they had created a small bond with the crew.

The elevator dinged, signaling that they had reached their designated floor. Carrying the two bags again, Jisung let Mio walk infront of him first before following.

"Here?" Mio asked, pointing one of the dance practice rooms' door.

Jisung grinned excitedly and nodded rapidly, a blessing that he hadn't broken his neck.

With a small huff, Mio pushed the door slowly, she and Jisung peaking into the room with smiles as they were greeted with loud screams and cheers.

Surprise surprise
Sorry i hadn't been updating here
I've been busy with my other book, which i am delighted to say is reaching it's end

Anyways, thank you for all my lovely readers
I'll be updating as much as I can hehjdjd
Stay tuned!!!

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