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3rd POV,

"C'mon Jiji-boy!" Mio patted on her leg, calling the small corgi who was now running down the hallway with his short, fat legs, stumbling and sliding a little. To which Mio found adorable.

"WOOF!" he barked as he jumped on the side of the girl's legs. She patted his head and smiled before tying his leash.

"Daddy Jisung's waiting for us, come." She said and together they walked out of the dorm.

"Don't come home too late, 'kay?" Chaemin called from her room.

"Okay!" she yelled back, shutting the door close.

Mio and Jiji, the dog, walked together down the alleyway and towards the park where Jisung was waiting.

They reached it in ten, looking around the place for the boy. Mio and Jiji walked around the park, hoping to find their daddy (wink wonk). Footsteps were heard from behind them.

Mio assumed it was just a random stranger. Jiji, however, sniffed a familiar scent of perfume that he personally loved.

The dog turned around, tugging on the leash which made the girl stumble on her steps.

"Jiji wha-?" she looked up to see what had distracted the dog, but the being had already pulled her to a tight hug.

The scent of Jisung's perfume waffled through her nose.She grinned, "Babe!" she exclaimed and laughed together with the boy that had his arms wrapped around her waist.

"Baby, I missed you." he chuckled and planted small kisses on her earlobe, biting on it time by time.

"WOOF!" the small corgi whom they had forgotten jumped on their legs, scratching here and there.

"Hey there little guy!" Jisung hollered,softly enough to not scare the dog.

Jisung ruffled its fur, pinching it's cheeks softly. The dog responded with small barks and licks on his palm.

Mio chuckled at the scene, taking out her phone to take a snap of the two. Quickly, she posted it on her instagram page. When she put her phone away, the two were still playing with each other.

"Hey! I also need attention." Mio grumbled and pouted. Jisung turned to look at his grumpy girlfriend and laughed.

"I wuuuvvv youu~!" Jisung cooed as he stood up and squished her cheeks.

"Nossh shthopph.." her voice was muffled due to her face being squished, her lips still in a pout. "And I'm nosht cutesh.."

Jisung grinned and leaned it to plant a kiss on her lips. "Yes you are. Do you want us to debate over this again? Last time we did, it took us an hour." he said.

She sighed. "Fine." she said, "but I get a kiss."

A grin spread across both of their faces. Jisung leaned in closer again and pressed his lips against hers.

"OMG! IT'S HAN AND MIO!" A girl screamed from behind the two.

The couple parted quickly and glanced behind them to see a group of girls, probably still in highschool.

"Oh! Hello!" the two waved at the fangirls who were squealing behind them.

"Holy shit. We interupted their moment." a girl gushed to her friends. The girls gasped and began apologize.

Jisung scratched his cheek. "Err, it's fine. Wanna take a picture?" he asked.

The girls nodded and walked towards the two. The corgi, who was hidden behind Mio the whole time, suddenly sprang in front of the girls, startling them.

"OH MY GOSH!" One of them exclaimed. "He's the dog Jisung gave on Valentines. Mio posted it a few months ago." she explained to her friends.

They gasped and started petting the dog. The girls then took out their phones and took pictures of them; some just the Corgi, and some that contained everyone.

They left after a while, fortunately for the two. Once the girls were out of sight, the couple looked at each other and bursted into laughter.

"Now, where were we?" Jisung asked slyly with a smirk as he pulled Mio by the waist.

"I can't seem to remember.." she answered, grinning. "Care to show me?"

Jisung leaned in, his smirk growing bigger. "Gladly.."

OWO I dont wanna end this book yet
so im just gonna add some imagines about what happened after
like just moments with no storyline
so yeah whatever😛

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