A Day With Stray Kids

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Mio's POV,

The practice room was filled with loud music and heavy pants. This is Jisung and I's second day of practice and we are getting the hang of it. The choreography was perfect for the two of us. Though, we did have some changes but nevertheless, BTS's coreographies are crazy (and awesome).

We currently laid on the floor, exhausted from the 3 hours of nonstop practice. Earlier, Chan invited me to come with them at the cafe next to the building. I had agreed, clearly because I wanted to know them more as themselves and not just as idols.

"We should get changed.." Jisung said, standing up from the floor.

He slowly walked up to me and pulled me up. I sat up, my back slumped.

"Are you tired?" He asked.

"No, no. I'm fine." I answered while waving my hands in front of him. But the expression in my face gave it away.

He chuckled lightly. "I'll get us some more water." And with that he was out of the door.

It took me all my strength to pull me up from the ground with my now wobbly knees. I grabbed my bag and headed for the bathroom, right outside the practice room (not sure where the bathrooms are so I made em up).

I quickly got dressed into denim pants and a blue striped button-down shirt. I felt fresher in the new clothes which, unlike the one I used for practice, were not sweaty and smelly.

When I entered the practice room again, I saw Jisung sitting at the corner of the room packing his bag.

He turned to look at me and smiled.

"Did you change yet?" I asked as I went to grab my bag next to his.

"Yeah." He answered. "You ready to go?"

I nod and we both head out to the cafe.

We entered the cafe and saw the boys who sat at the corner of the cafe near the glass wall. They waved at us frantically, and motioned us to come sit.

As I walked to their table, I looked around the cafe.

The interior design was amazing and the smell of coffee brew waffled through my nose. The cafe had a very cozy vibe and I immediately fell in love with the place.

We reached the table and the boys hurried to give us space. I sat next to Seungmin and to my right, sat Jisung.

"How was practice?" Chan asked with a warm smile, his eyes disappearing.

"Tiring but fun." I answered.

Jisung poked my forearm and I turned to look at him. I raised my brows.

"Anything you want?" He asked as he stood up to order.

"Caramel macchiato would be fine, thanks." I answer. He only nods and walked to cashier.

"Did he officially ask you out yet?" Chan suddenly asked when Jisung was gone. I turned my head and looked at him with wide eyes. My ears turned red.

"No.. he didn't." I said and looked down at my fidgeting fingers. I wasn't disappointed. I knew that we both weren't ready for it yet.

"Say, Mio.." Woojin said, placing his elbows at the table, leaning closer to me. "How much do you like him?"

His question caught me by surprise. I felt heat rush to my face.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing would come out. I looked down again my fingers.

The other boys chuckled. "Noona, you're red." The voice came from Jeongin.

I slapped my cheeks with hands and pouted, scrunching my brows at Jeongin. "No I'm not."

He only laughed at my reply. I suddenly shot glares at all of them. They flinched in their seats, looking away from me.

"You guys seem to be having fun teasing me." I pouted.

"I also know a lot about you guys and I swear I will use to get revenge." I threaten. "Mind you, I'm also a Stay."

Minho scoffed (playfully(he isnt rude). "Like what, princess?" He asked.

I laughed to myself, thinking of how I would embarrass him. Suddenly, a thought came to my mind.

"Like this, mister." I said and stood up.

"I want to be a singer." I immitated Minho's voice and started to do the dance he did 11 years ago. (This is an inside joke. Stays would understand.)

The members bursted into laughter, including Minho, who seemed to be glaring at me playfully.

I heard footsteps behind as we were laughing and I saw Jisung heading towards us with cups in his hands.

I sat down first before he slid to his seat beside me. He placed the cup infront of me. I thank him quietly.

"It's still hot, be careful." He warned, taking off the lid to release the warm air. I smiled at him in return and we went about our businesses.

We didn't do much today and just got to know each other more.

I saw, today. Behind those smiles, behind those make-ups, behind those fashionable outfits, behind those mature sexy hairstyles, lie pure and innocent little kids with big dreams.

I saw today, as I got a more closer look on their faces. I saw that in their eyes, the reflection of the whole universe. Beautiful and breath-taking, as they had wild, childish imaginations.

Little kids, under a mask that society wanted to see, keeping them from their true selves. Just to reach the high standards that people want, in exchange for fame and success.

It made me ask myself, Why did I become an idol?

It was because I wanted to break the mask. I wanted freedom for the talented artists. To encourage people to not limit themsleves to what they can do, but push them beyond their limits. To help them discover themselves more and their capabilities. To free the people from the cages of Fame and Money. And help them see themselves as themsleves and not as the perfect idol that everyone wants to see. Because people make mistakes, and if society doesn't want their Idols to make mistakes, then what's the point?

What will happen once we've reached perfection?

The answer is nothing.

It is the imperfections that keeps us going and are what helps us achieve our dreams.

If only I knew how to voice that out... I would.

But I can't.

Because I, myself, am also trapped. Inside the mask.

Hey guys. I didn't have any idea what to write next 'cause I make my story while going with the flow. So, this is just a filler smchapter LMAO. I still hope you guys liked it.♡♡♡

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