Paris Kiss

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Mio's POV,

I woke up with the smell of pancakes waffling through my nose. I yawned as I sat on the bed, stretching my arms. I got up and walked to the kitchen where I saw Jisung placing the newly cooked pancakes on seperate plates.

"Oh, good morning." Jisung smiled as he took a seat.

I hummed in reply before taking a seat opposite if him. Coffee were in mugs beside our plates. It looked very delicious so I didn't waste anytime and attacking the soft pancakes.

"I didn't know you could cook." I laughed.

Jisung rolled his eyes. "Surprise?"

We continued eating while discussing today's plans. I quickly suggested going to the Eiffel Tower since that was the dream. Everyone wants to go to the tower, I ain't no exeption.

Jisung agreed. When we finished the food, I started cleaning up while Jisung plopped down on the couch, turning on the TV.

"Oh?" Jisung said as he landed on one chanel. "It's us."

I just finished cleaning and was on my way to sit beside him. "Really?"

It was a Korean News Chanel where there appeared pictures of us at the airport. I rolled my eyes as I sat beside Jisung, laying ny head on his shoulder.

"I don't know why that's so important to them..." I said.

Jisung stretched his arms and hung his arm on my shoulder. I chuckled to myself, thinking that he looked adorable trying to lowkey hug me.

I snuggled closer.

It was finally 6 pm, the sky pitch black. But the lights of the city shone brightly. I slipped into black high-waisted jeans for the bottom. I wore a black long sleeved turtle neck with a nude colored knitted sweater on top of it. I put on my Vans and walked out of the room and into the kitchen, where Jisung was scrolling down his phone.

He looked up to me and smiled. "Ready, princess?" he asked and got up from his seat.

I nod, feeling butterflies on my stomach because of the nickname. This probably happens everytime he calls me by very sweet names. Sometimes, my knees would feel wobbly. Or my heart rate would quicken. Or I would just stop working.

Anywho, he grabbed my hand and led my outside, locking the door with the keys. Jisung and I rod a cab to the Eiffel Tower.

Soon, we were under it. A lot of people also roamed around, some with family members while some in pairs.

Jisung led us to a spot in the middle of the green field where we sat down and ate corndogs. In a comfortable silence, we watched the glowing tower that loomed in front of us.

"You know.." Jisung started. "People say that Paris is the place of love." he said while wiggling his brows.

I looked at him and pursed my lips. "I thought Venice was also a place of love..?" I said, completely oblivious of what Jisung was trying to imply.

His jaw slacked and he just stared at me before turning away. "I don't know why I love you..." he grummbled before wrapping a hand on my waist.

"You can't resist my cuteness." I said in the most babiest voice I could make and squished my cheeks.

Jisung wrinkled his nose in mockery. I chuckled and hit his arm softly. "Yah!" I yell and folded my arms before turning away.

"No, no. I'm sorry. It was adorable." He said quickly and hugged my waist, now with both of his arms, tighter.

I rolled my eyes before leaning down on his chest and my knees against my own. For a while, we sat there quietly. Humming a few songs, and him kissing my head while I played with his fingers.

Suddenly, a loud sound got me jolting up from our comfortable position. The sky suddenly lit with beautiful colors of different shades. There was pink, orange, purple, green, and so on.

"Fireworks.." I said in awe.

Jisung chuckled behind me and scooted closer, bringing his chin to my shoulder. While watching the fireworks show, realization hit me. My heart beat raced and the butterflies on my stomach were back.

When Jisung was talking about Paris being the place of love, was he trying to talk me to a kiss?

I looked back at the boy behind me, whom now removed his chin from my shoulder, looking at me with a raised brow.

"You okay?" He asked, holding one of my hands.

I sucked up my breath, mentally slapping myself. "Can I kiss you?" I asked, my ears turning red.

I also noticed a tint of red forming on Jisung's cheeks. "W-What..?"

I wanted to slap him for not getting me. It would've been embarassing to repeat. I leaned forward, looking at him dead in the eye. "Can I?"

He chuckled softly. "I should've been the one to ask you that. When did the table start to turn?" he said.

Jisung cupped my cheek, giving me a geniune smile. "The question is... Can I?"

I gulped, heat rushing to my cheeks. Jisung didn't wait for a reply and started to lean forward. I unconsiously held my breath.


The sky lit up with another shade of color. Below that, Jisung's soft lips on mine.

IDK if Im rushing things or what but whatever. I just wanna finish dem story.
Hope you enjoyed♡♡♡

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