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Mio's POV,

Today was Saturday, and I had no schedules whatsoever. I decided to plop down on my bed, in my shared room with Rachelle.

I can't help but grin at yesterday's events. My cheeks turning red again. I puff my cheeks and open my phone. Suddenly, my phone buzzed and a message popped up.

It was from an unknown number.

Unknown number
Good morning!

Our manager always told us to block the unknown numbers because it could be stalkers or anti-fans. But it's next message sent me nearly dying.

Unknown number
Sorry if I surprised you.
It's me, Han Jisung.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. I just stared at the message in disbelief, completely forgetting about Jisung. I quickly snapped myself out of my trance and began typing.

Oh, hello!
Where did you get my number?

Han Jisung
Umm... I actually asked your leader for your number. Sorry, I should have asked you instead.

No, it's fine.
Umm... Did you have something you want to say?

Han Jisung
Well, I have to admit that I found you fun and entertaining yesterday so...

My heart started beating fast. My cheeks couldn't have been more redder.

Han Jisung
Ok, I'll go straight to the point. I'm interested in knowing you more

And by that you mean...?

Han Jisung
I'm asking you out

I died. I quickly shoved my head into my pillow and screamed at the top of my lungs.
There's good news and bad news. Good news is, Rachelle was out and did not witness any of what was happening to me right now. Bad news is, Chaemin-unnie just so happens to be passing by and heard my scream. She rushed inside.

"What happened?" Worry was found everywhere in her face.

This is why I love and respect her so much. She treats us like we are her children and at the same time her siblings, and you can feel love radiating from her. Seriously!

I just grin at her goofily. My heart still melting from his last message.

"I didn't know you gave Jisung my phone number.." I said.

She returned the goofy grin I gave her.

"Did he ask you out?" She asks. I nod and bit my lip.

Chaemin-unnie practically screamed and fan girled right in front of me. Suddenly, she stopped and looked at me dead in the eye.

"Well, what did you say?"

"Nothing yet..." I mummbled.

"Well what are you waiting for?!"

I just rolled my eyes at her. Before I typed anything, I looked at her again. She understood the message and quickly ran out of the room.

Well, when are you free?

Han Jisung
Took you long enough 😂😂
Say, how 'bout today?

Where are you right now?

Han Jisung
I'm at the company building

Oh, so you have practice?
If you do, then let's meet next time instead..

Han Jisung
Have you not been informed yet?

I raised a brow. About what? As if on cue, Chaemin-unnie walked in the room again.

"Oh by the way... (name of CEO)-nim asked me to tell you that you were asked by JYP to collab with one of his Idols." She said.

My eyes widened.

"When?" I asked as she looked down at her watch.

"Today, in 30 minutes."

I nearly choked on my spit before sprinting to the bathroom. Not forgetting to reply to Jisung.

I just did
See you later, I guess

Time skip brought to you by Changbin's chin~~~~~

The van stopped right in front of JYP Building. My manager led to JYP's office where I knocked softly at the door.

"Come in.." a voice from inside said. It was oblviously JYP pd-nim, so I didn't hesitate in walking in.

As I did, I noticed a figure in one of the chairs, his back facing us. I smiled, realizing who it was. I quickly bowed to JYP pd-nim before he motioned me to sit down.

I turned to the boy at the same time he turned to me. Han Jisung. Gosh, he looked so handsome in an oversized hoodie.

Slowly, a smile crept his face before we both turned to look at JYP for further instructions. Unfortunately, I didn't see his ears turn red.

"So both of you had heard of the collaboration agreement we had with (name of CEO), right?" He starts. And we just nod.

"Yesterday's show had been trending due to the dance the two of you performed. 'Move' by Taemin, was it? Anyways, fans here in Korea and international are asking for a collab. We had agreed that we do it. It would be a big advantage for the both of you and your groups. So..." he said. "Is it okay with you both?"

If it meant that I'd be spending more time with Han Jisung, then... bring it.

We look at each other and nod.

"We'll do it."

Was that too quick? Oh well... at least I have a lot of plans for them. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. ♡♡♡

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