Stalker II

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Mio's POV,

It had been a week since the texts and the incident at ISAC. Nothing happened since then. We were no longer that paranoid, slowly forgetting about the stalker. Little did I know, something was about to happen.

Our entertainment never released a statement about the stalker. Because of that, I felt like the Entertainment didn't care about me. I thought it through of course, I realized that they did the right thing.

I wouldn't want issues and news, spread online about me. And I didn't want Jisung losing his nuts.

After pulling my hair back into a ponytail, I went out of my room and into the kitchen where the rest of my members were eating. I sat the end of the table and began munching on the toast Sohyun had prepared for us.

"Good morning." they greeted one by one.

"Good morning guys.." I answer back.

Today was also a free day and we had no plans. Though I want to go buy some new airpods. Jisung said that he would have joined me but unfortunately, they had practice. Bummer, I know. I guess I'll have to buy them with the girls.

"Any plans today?" I asked, taking another bite of the toast.

"Mhm.." they all hummed in unison.

"Oh?" I said, a bit disappointed. " Where are ya'll going?"

"Well, Sohyun and I got invited to Knowing bros.." Rachelle answered, Sohyun nodding beside her.

"I have a photoshoot." it was Chaemin.

"I feel sick today..." Chaeyoung said, her voice a little deeper and raspy than usual.

I nod, frowning a bit. I finished my meal quickly and plopped down on the living room couch, turning the TV on.

The day went by quickly and it was already 3:00 pm. I scurried to my room and dressed for my trip to buy ear pods.

I wore grey sweatpants and a loose oversized white shirt. I took the white hat that hung on a hook on the back of our bedroom door and slipped it on. I opened one of our drawers and took out a black mask, putting it on my face to cover myself.

I slipped my phone and wallet into my pocket and ran to the door.

"I'll be going out for a bit okay? Chaeyoung?" I called as I opened her bedroom door.

She lay on her bed, wrapled in a blanket. "Stay safe..." she said with closed eyes.

I smiled and walked out of the dorm. I hung ny head low as I walked down the streets. I reached the mall in more or less than 20 minutes.

It was a weekday. Hopefully, there wouldn't  be many teen fans that could possibly attack me. I went into one of the shops and scanned the glass containers for ear pods. After a while, I found the one that I had been looking for. I paid for it using my card and went out to look for a snack.

I didn't want anyone to see me at the mall so I just went out to find a small shop, far from the public.

I found an empty restaurant and quickly went inside. There, an old lady stood by the table, wiping it 'til it was clean. She noticed my presence soon and bowed to me.

"Welcome young lady..." she greeted with a smile. "Please sit."

She led me to a small table by the corner. I sat down as she took out a small lad of paper.

"What would you like?" She asked.

"Chicken..." I said as I look through the menu. "and some... Tteokbokki please."

She left with my order and into the back of the store. I pulled down my mask and sighed, slipping off the hat I wore.

The food came, almost in an instant. And there I was, stuffing my face with chicken.

I bowed to the old lady as I went out of the door, putting on my mask and hat. I started walking back to the dorm again, it was already sundown. The breeze was cold and strong, my oversized shirt was not helping.

I took a turn in alley, as it was a shortcut back to the dorm. No one was here and it was quiet. In dramas and stories, this would have been a bad choice as many people would have been followed. But I've been here for only God knows time so I wasn't scared.

On the way to the dorm, there was a two way path. The one to the left and the one to the right. The dorm was to the left. I was about to go when I heard a noise. I looked to my right and saw four highschool girls, still in their uniforms. One was being pushed to the wall, the other three yelling and laughing.

This could be something to ruin my reputation as the girls could report me but I could careless about that now. What mattered now was the girl being bullied.

I gathered up my courage and walked to them with a huff.

"Yah." I call them.

They turned their heads immediately. I was a short for a kpop idol but I was definitely taller than a highschooler. So as I stepped towards them, my shadow loomed over their small petite bodies.

"Y-you.." they stuttered as I pulled down my mask.

I glared at them. "What do you think you're doing?" I said, my voice was showing authority.

"Who do you think you are to bully her, huh? What do you want from her?" I growled and grabbed the girl's jacket.

She yelped at the sudden pull.

"NO DON'T KILL ME! I WAS...WE WERE SENT HERE!" the girl hollered, squeezing her eyes.

I cocked a brow. "What do you mean sent?"

The girl squirrmed from my grasp. Finally, I let go.

"He t-told us to co-me here and m-make a scene. He told us th-that he'd put money on our b-bank accounts when we deliver a message to a- a girl th-that'll pass b-by..." she explained, completely in a stuttering mess.

"He said.."By continuing to be with him and completely ignoring me... You have brought trouble into your life. You will regret this."." The girl said. "I promise. That was all!"

She looked at her friends and ran, bowing quickly before doing so. I was left there dumbfounded and speechless. My heart beat started to quicken. Beads of sweat fell down from my back. My head started to throb.

My chest felt tight as I clung on my shirt. I breathed in and out slowly to loosen my chest. Without a time to spare, I opened my phone and dialed my boyfriend, turning on my heels to run back to the dorm.

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