It's Official

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Mio's POV,

I fidgeted with the hem of my blouse. We were on our way to JYP's office to tell him about us.

Jisung saw me fidgeting. He sighed and slipped his hand into one of mine, giving it squeezes.

I smiled at him as we turned another corner. Soon enough, we found oursleves infront of his office.

My heart started beating fast. I can also see Jisung getting nervous, but he tried hiding it. This time, I was the one who squeezed his hand. He turned to me and smile.

He let go of my hand before knocking on the door.

"Come in." The muffled sound of JYP's voice made me flinch.

We took deep breaths before walking inside. JYP greeted us with a smile on his face. We bowed in return.

"How are you guys doing?" He asked.

Jisung and I look at each other and I nod.

He looked at JYP in the eye. "JYP we would like to talk to you about something."

JYP slumped on his chair and cocked his brow. "Spill..."

Jisung took a deep breath, "It's about us..."

JYP's eyes widened. "Are you two dating?!"

We turned red. "No!"

"Well... not yet." I said.

There was a moment of awkward silence with JYP staring at us both.

He suddenly smiled. Somehow, I felt relieved. "So, you're asking for my blessing?"

I shrugged. "Kind of, yeah."

JYP motioned us to seat. I took the seat to the left and Jisung took the other to the right.

"I've been thinking about that actually.." JYP said.

Our eyes widened, hope rising in us.


"Yeah. I mean, a lot of people are shipping the two of you. And now you guys are doing a duet, people will freak out. And once the news gets out that you both are dating, it'll go trending." He said. "Besides, it's up to the both of you to date. Both of had already passed your dating ban (lets say they already did) anyways."

Jisung and I looked at each with sheepish smiles. "Thank you!"

"But, I think it would be better if you guys reveal it after the performance."

We bid goodbye to JYP and went out of his office. Once we were in an empty hallway, Jisung slumped his arm around my shoulder and carefully pecked my cheek.

"Let's go to our dorm again." Jisung said as he took out his phone, dialing his manager.

(Name of manager) dropped us off again at the dorm. We thanked him and walked inside, hand in hand.

Just before Jisung opened the door, I held him back. He turned to look at me and raised his brows.

"Are they here?" I asked.

He thought for a moment. "I don't know really." He said. "It doesn't matter anyways, you're my girlfriend now."

My cheeks flushed red when he mentioned the word girlfriend. I only smiled and we walked inside.

I still did hope that the other members weren't there. I am still a big fan of course, but I'm still shy about me and Jisung.

My heart started beating fast when I heard voices coming from the living room. I tried to slip my hand away from Jisung's grip but he held on it tightly.

We turned to the living room and there,
lay 8 boys. A blush crept up my face as their eyes trace down to our interwined fingers.

"OH MYYY!" Chan exclaimed. The others started cheering.

"Now now, come down your titties." Woojin said. I sighed in relief.

"We don't wanna embarrass them."

"Thanks hyung.." Jisung said.

He led us both to one of the empty couches, everyone's eyes trailing us. Jisung glared at them and they raised their hands as if they were guilty.

We sat down and sunk into the comfort of the couch. "So, what did JYP say?" Changbin asked.

"Well," I started. "He wasn't against it."

The boys cheered. My face turned red and I tried hiding it by snatching Jisung's arm and putting it in front of my face.

Jisung laughed at me and tried to take his arm away. But I kept a firm grip.

"We should celebrate guys." Seungmin said.

"Ooh! Ooh!" Jeongin yelled. "Let's go to the new ice cream shop!"

Everyone started standing up and I just sat there, not knowing what to do. Jisung tugged on my arm.

"C'mon.." He interwined our fingers again and walked out with the others.

And then the day went on again with me hanging out with the crackheads. Throughout the day, I was able to talk to each and everyone of them. Apparently, I forced myself to opened up myself more. And within a day, we were all as close as siblings.

Yay! Who doesn't love fillers?

LMAO definitely me.

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