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Because why not. right? So yeah.

Mio's POV,

"I can't believe you made me and the boys drive here at freaking 1 am." Jisung chuckled as he raked his hair back from his face.

He sat beside me on my bed. The others were talking in the living room, leaving me and Jisung some time alone.

I hummed and looked down at my fidgeting fingers. He noticed my expression and slowly held my hand, interwining it soon.

"Tell me, love." He said, his voice ever so sweet and assuring. "What's bothering you?"

I sighed. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I said, my voice low.

"No, no. We told you, it's fine." He said as he scootched forward and cupped my cheek in his hand.

"But what if Rachelle didn't snoop on my phone? What if he took me with him? What if I--" Jisung cut me off, placing his lips softly on top of mine.

Tears fell from my eyes, all warm and salty.
Jisung parted, "They're all what ifs. Meaning, those aren't real." he said. "Look around you, this is reality. You're with us, with your friends. With me. So don't be afraid anymore, okay?"

I smiled, sniffing up the snot that dared to fall. "Okay." I snuggled closer to him, wrapping my arms around his torso and laying me hand on his chest.

I felt his hands slither to my back before he pulled us down on my bed to lay.

"Goodnight love." he whispered, kissing my forehead before drifting to sleep.

I woke up the next day with an empty room. I assumed Jisung and the rest of Stray Kids already left. But the noise in the kitchen says otherwise.

I got out of my bed, washing my face in the bathroom before heading to the kitchen. Everyone was there drinking either milk, hot choco, or coffee.

I yawned, making everyone notice my presence. "Did you sleep well?" Chaemin asked.

I nodded my head, slowly walking towards Jisung. He turned his stool, now facing me.

"Coffee?" he asked with a smile before handing me his mug.

"Yeah, thanks." I said and slurped down the warm drink. Coffee always tasted good in the morning.

"Ahhh.." I smiled after taking a big sip.

The others chuckled and continued talking about... Whatever it was.

Jisung cleared his throat. "So..." He started. Everyone stopped abruptly again to look at him and listen.

"So, it's Valentines today and I..uhh.." he said and took glances of me shyly.

I raised a brow. "What are your plans, Ji?"

"Movies?" he asked, unsure of his own sugestion. "I mean I really want cuddles right now but if you want we could go to-"

"I'd love to watch movies." I said. "But first I wanna do an imprompto Vlive.."

Jisung's eyes sparkled. "Can I join you?" he asked looking at me with puppy eyes. Which I must admit, are very irrestistible.


"Okay so, how do we start this?" Jisung asked as I postioned the camera in front of us.

Rachelle already did the announcing to make the fans aware of our Vlive. The others occupied the biggest couch, but left space for me and Jisung at the center. Changbin and Woojin though, sat on the carpet.

"Introduction, duhh." Jeongin said as-a-matter-of-fact, making everyone laugh at his informality.

Jisung glared at him before attaking his side with tickles. Jeongin however, slapped his hand away. "You wait 'till I--" Jisung said, making a ball of fist.

"Now now. We're about to start." Chan warned as soon as he saw me rushing to seat beside Jisung. He wrapped his arm around my waist as soon as I sat.

The camera started filming and we did our greeting. "Hey guys! It's Playback! And we have very special guests today..!" she said, indicating Stray Kids' cue for introduction.

"Step out! Hello we are Stray Kids!" the greeted.

Suddenly, the video got countless of views and an unimaginable amount of hearts.

"Oh holy shi-"

"I can't believe they made Jeongin do a sexy dance." I chuckled as Jisung and I cuddled on the couch, 'Barbie Princess Charm School' playing on the TV.

"It was horrifying!" he exclaimed while laughing.

The boys already left for their dorm, while the girls left me with Jisung and went to their rooms. I'll have to thank them later for this.

I hummed in reply and held my hands on his torso tighter. "Thanks for everything, Ji."
I said.

He stroked my hair out of my face. "I should be saying that." he said and placed a peck on my forehead.

"I love you.." he said, smiling sweetly.

"I love you too. Very much."

"Good."he said then smirked. "Because I bought you a gift." He stood up and walked to the kitchen.


"Yes, yes. I know you said you'd feel guilty if you didn't get me one but..." he said as he pulled out a box from behind the refrigirator.

I bit my lip. "I appreciate it, Ji. Thanks."

He grinned and chuckled, pushing the box to my lap. "Open it."

I hesitated, sliding my palm across the top lid. Suddenly, there was a bark. A cute, small bark. My eyes widened and I looked at Jisung.

He chuckled lightly and also bit his lower lip in anticipation. "C'mon, open it!"

I ripped open the top of the box, revealing the most adorable and fluffiest ball of cuteness.

It was a dog. A Corgi, to be specific. I've always wanted one, but never got the chance to buy one. I told Jisung about my love for these little things, I didn't think he'd actually buy me one.

"Jisung! You remembered." I said before taking the small creature out of the box and onto my lap.

It's fur was a mix of white and brown. It's nose black and his eyes shut. It's fur was the softest I've ever touched. Smooth also.

"Aww, thanks so much." I stood up and pulled him for a short kiss.
This should be about right. I'll probably end it now. LMAO.
Honestly writing stories makes me tired.
And this is probably the first story I've ever finished HAHAHHAXD

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