Chapter 26: Ninny Antics

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Heart of the Infiltrators

(Senran Kagura x Male Reader)


Chapter 26: Ninny Antics


Lazing around and about the shinobi meeting room at Hanzō Academy, Katsuragi let out another sigh as she once again heard the thumps Asuka's frantic pacing out in the hallway. The brunette wanted to head outside to train and blow off steam but also wanted to binge on snacks in the fridge and cabinets, leading her to repeatedly scamper back and forth between both destinations without really committing to any activity. Considering the dramatic confession that she gave the day before, Katsuragi couldn't blame her anxiousness. While someone as forward and shameless as her couldn't fully understand why Asuka felt such stress over the situation, she could still see that the turmoil in her was immense.

The door slid open and Asuka slipped in to march straight for the pantry, seeking out a few snacks while murmuring her every action under her breath, "Walk to the cabinet... open the cabinet... Salty crackers... Do we have salty crackers? Where are the salty crack- no, Hibari and Yagyū finished those a few days ago... Chips? Do we have- we do have chips... none that I want... We do have macaroons... just a couple for now... No, I've gotta train..."

As much as she should have been marveling at how cute and silly the scene was, Katsuragi couldn't help but wonder how much higher Asuka's stress levels could go. After all, it was just a matter of the confession and waiting for an answer that had thrown the girl into such turmoil. The blonde didn't want to think about what would happen if she found out that Miyabi and Yumi also liked the young man, in addition to the potential feelings that Homura may have had. Would Asuka panic and screech while turning the entire place upside down? Perhaps she'd take in a breath to calm herself and patiently await her answer? Katsuragi already knew that both of those were thoroughly unlikely. With Asuka's lack of confidence when comparing herself to others, it was more than likely that she'd be resigned to defeat and would wait out the days to her anticipated rejection from bed.

Katsuragi hated the very idea of that. As the girl's senior and one of her closest friends, she would not lay back and allow the upbeat mascot of Hanzō Academy to suffer such a crushing blow. It was bad enough that she was stressfully awaiting the young man's answer, a matter in which the blonde did sympathize with the boy who'd seemed so lost he after the confession, but she wouldn't dare watch as Asuka buried her own grave before a firm verdict had been delivered. In fact, Katsuragi knew that she could go even further beyond just that! She could act so that her friend had the highest chance of success and happiness!

But then there came the question about what action Katsuragi had to take. Certainly, she couldn't just go up to Asuka for a lighthearted groping to lighten the tension nor could she just call the other three girls and ask them to quit their pursuit so that their rival had a better chance. If anything, the latter would just spur the lot of them on even more aggressively. No, Katsuragi knew for fact that the action she had to take would have to be something that would kill their interest in the young man entirely. A few ideas filled her head, tempting her to spread malicious rumors that painted the young man in a different light: "He's only interested in a girl's looks, from what I've heard from his classmates... Did you hear that he stalked his last girlfriend? Oh, did you think you'd be his first...? He is apparently very sexually demanding. Who knows how long a woman would have to hold out before he finished for the night...? I hear he has an STD..."

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