Chapter 28: Heartfelt Revolt

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Heart of the Infiltrators

(Senran Kagura x Male Reader)


Chapter 28: Heartfelt Revolt


Around two hours after the young man and Yumi had exited the dining room, the remaining members of the Gessen Elite gathered themselves into their shinobi meeting area and awaited further instruction. None of them had even thought to contact the academy's teachers nor administration for advice, knowing for fact that doing so would mean having to expose the identity of their visitor. Thus, they simply waited in complete silence for Yumi to return, knowing her to be their decisive leader and the one with the most carefully laid plans.

Sipping on a bit of soda while clinging to her seat at the juice bar, Shiki took the occasional glance at her sisters and found her mood dipping further and further. Yozakura had taken to sitting on one of the armchairs, trying to maintain a sort of patience during their wait, before she kept awkwardly shifting positions. One moment, one of her legs were crossed over the other while she folded her arms; the next, she was sitting on her feet atop the chair cushion while sucking a breath of discontent into her nose and blowing it out of her mouth. Around the time the blue-haired girl was hugging her knees in anxiety, Minori had sat herself against one of the room's corners. Her face was despondent and her body remained unmoving, without even a hint that she desired to reach into her candy bucket. The only one who appeared to remain solid was Murakumo as she stood by the door, awaiting her fellow third-year's arrival. But Shiki could tell by the unsteady rise and fall in her shoulders that the masked girl was afraid just like the rest of them.

The blonde felt her frown deepen as she realized that their most stalwart sister was beginning to bend underneath the pressure. While trying to assure herself that she had to remain strong for them, Shiki reached over to her drink only to realize that her hand was slightly shaking. She compared it to the unmoving can and, just as she was about to try and calm herself, her arm suddenly began to quiver before it intensified into a spasm. At that moment, Shiki realized that she was in no position to try and act tough. She was just as afraid as everyone else.

Oda had made his first move against the young man, revealing that he'd somehow figured everything out or, more likely, had been watching the entire time. Without a doubt in anyone's mind, the menacing shinobi had to have also been aware of the girls' involvement with the boy. He knew that they knew everything: the young man was a terrorist who was actively seeking them out for correction, he was supposed to be pursued as a greater threat to all shinobi-kind, and working with him would likely constitute themselves as the very same kind of threat. All of that begged the question: what would Oda do to them after he dealt with the young man? Would they get lucky and get off with a warning since they were young? No, that was borderline impossible since they were well aware of their own actions. The most lenient punishment they could possibly receive would be imprisonment for a period of time, perhaps even life. They could also be demanded to partake in ritual seppuku to atone for their crimes. In addition to whatever else they were meted out, perhaps one of the direst things that could happen to the girls was getting stripped of their titles as shinobi. The very thing that they'd all been working towards was at threat of being taken away because of their involvement with the young man... To Shiki, that was the scariest thing of them all and there was no doubt in her mind that everyone else was fearing the same thing.

Then, slamming open the sliding doors and strutting in on an unexpected air of complete authority, Yumi made her way into the room and clapped her hands twice to rouse everyone's attention, "Come. Everyone to their chairs." As the rest of the girls took a moment to recover from the surprise and wondered how the sudden burst of energy came to be, their leader took her place at the shinobi meeting room's center, a small space with a couple of armchairs, a coffee table, and an empty space where their sofa should have been. Once she realized that everyone was lagging in the face of her summoning, Yumi clapped her hands again and barked, "Come! We need to act fast."

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