Chapter 65: Carry On

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Heart of the Infiltrators

(Senran Kagura x Male Reader)

Chapter 65: Carry On

May 10 – "The rest was good but the world has no reservations about throwing surprises."

At one point in the middle of the night, Mirai found herself unable to sleep and lumbered her way to the kitchen within the renegades' cave. Barely keeping her eyes open as she let out a low groan and mumbled incoherently, she opened the fridge and found that the inside light was off. She blinked and a bit of panic would have set in if it hadn't been a recurring situation over the last few weeks. Mirai proceeded to extend her hand into the fridge to check its temperature, letting out a satisfied, "Hm," when she found it was still cold, and then turned her head to the side to make sure it was still plugged into the portable battery, which it was.

Knowing that the issue was the bulb, Mirai shrugged it off and decided to leave it for someone else to fix, just as everyone else had been doing since the issue had come to notice. She reached for a juice can, cracked it open despite anticipating the loud noise, and proceeded to chug it down. When she closed the fridge and was about to saunter off to relax for a while, she found that Haruka had been standing right behind her that whole time. Ceasing all movement in fear that she was about to walk into a horrid scheme, Mirai did her utmost to maintain all physical forms of composure as she tried to think of what her comrade would want.

Sensing that it would be on her to break the silence, Haruka smiled deviously and asked, "You must have come to the same conclusion that I have?"

Mirai was taking slow breaths and could only respond after a short pause, "That the fridge bulb needs fixing? Yeah, you should get on that. Good night."

As the short girl prepared to make her escape, Haruka raised a hand and brushed it up the side of the girl's neck. After taking in the sight of the long shiver that followed, she retorted, "No, there's no need to dance around it."

Calming down her body, Mirai stared blankly for a second before chugging down her can of juice. When it was finished, she popped her head away dramatically and quietly exclaimed, "You're right, I should fix it. Go back to bed while the sugar wakes me up."

"I'm not talking about the fridge."

Before Mirai could possibly counter her, Haruka shot her hands forward and gripped the girl's wrists and locked her in place. From there, the older shinobi began to crane her body overhead as a horrifying smile began to spread across her face. Mirai, like anyone at that point, assumed the worst was about to happen and began to push and pull, "NO! OFF! OFF, OFF, OFF!"

As the girl began to wildly try and rip herself away while letting out mindless yaps of terror, Haruka then exclaimed cheerfully, "You must be curious about what Homura has been up to~!" and closed her eyes sweetly.

Mirai faltered in the middle of a struggle and blinked, "What-, No. Absolutely not."

"You've woken up in the dead of night... on this night of all nights," goaded Haruka as she began to drag the girl across the cave floor, "No, there's no use denying it. I'll be happy to explain all of the likelihoods with great detail."

"No!" cried Mirai, "I honestly don't want to know! And your argument makes no sense! I wake up in the middle of the night all the time! YOU KNOW THIS!!!"

"Oh, do I?" came a sharp rebuttal from Haruka, which quickly helped the smaller girl realize that she was just looking for an excuse to gush about Homura's sexual activities. As Mirai's screams and lewd descriptions began to fill the air, Yomi was covering her head with a pillow and found herself jealously glancing at Hikage, who was still deep in sleep.

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