Chapter 1

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Hello and thank you for looking at this book, this chapter will just be a chapter to explain what happens before you enter the country human world and what your normal life was. I will also be warning you that I do not know many characters of the country human community hell I don't even know the most countries, so after three chapters I will always have a check in to see if I missed any characters or if you guys want me to add anything. All right now on with the story!

   Your final class bell rings, you gather your stuff and hurry out you don't want to be the last to leave the classroom because you fear that you'll leave with bruises. You're known as the mutt School. People pick on you because you're a pushover, you never fight back just so that you wouldn't get in trouble, it bothered you that you didn't fight back but you had no choice. You quickly ran to your locker and grabbed your backpack and closed it right away. You quickly shoved your items in your bag and you hurry off outside.

   You see two familiar faces, you walk to them to be greeted with smiles and waves. "How was class y/n?" Your small friend Cassie spoke out. "It was good, how about you two?" Y/n replied. The two giggled and laughed before replying. "It was good as well but Jenna couldn't stop staring at our new teacher!" Cassie snorted. You laugh while Jenna looks angry at Cassie gives her a playful punch to the arm. "Was not!!" Jenna protested.

~time skip, 6 minutes later~

You said your goodbyes to your friends well they walk their separate ways to go to their homes you did the same. While walking back home you see an injured young cat lying by the road. You couldn't just leave it there, you carefully picked it up. It was shivering, fragile, and cold. It was unconscious so you held it close till try to warm it up while it slept. The walk home was not fast. Y/n lived quite a bit away from her school.  She didn't mind it, she always thought that she needed the exercise. As soon as she got home she placed her schooling items in her room while she took the cat into the bathroom to further inspect its injuries.

   You sigh in relief when you notice that it wasn't anything too bad, just a little cut by its paw. You decided you wanted to give the cat a bath before tending it's small wound. Y/n started the bathwater which woke the cat up is this worried for you and it didn't know where it was, you held your hand out not to close but close enough to show that you can trust you and you for it to sniff you. You stood there for a few seconds while the cat stares at you curiosity and fear in its eyes.

   You held your hand out still it slowly padded its way towards your hand it's softly started to sniff your hand gets used to your scent. Once it had it had to leaned its head further into your hand wishing to be pet. You did as commanded and you started to pet the cat started to purr and you smiled softly to yourself. You knew you wouldn't be able to keep the cat your father hated animals. But since your father was out of town for business work he only had a few days before return, you decided to keep the cat until he came back.

   you slowly picked up the cat it was scared for a moment before you pet it again reassuring it. You slowly place the cat over the water it's stare down edit the water in fear and it tried to run away but you had already closed the door. You swiftly put the cat into the water and began to scrub it. It's slowly started to lean into the cleaning finding each stroke relaxing. Once the cat was cleaned you took your hair dryer and dryed it up.

   You gathered a medkit that was in the bathrooms cabinet, and grabbed bandages. You wrap the cat's injured arm, after putting disinfectant spray on it. The cat was now clean and it's rooms would start to heal. You checked its gender to find that it was a male, you wondered what you could start naming him. Do you realize that you didn't have any cat food so you decided to leave the cat and your room until you got back from the store. There was a small shop down the road not too far from your home oh, you decided to walk there and get some food for the cat.

   As you got the food and left the store you started to think of some names for the cat. 'Figuro? ... Nah.... Asterisk?... Hmmm... Sounds good!' you thought to yourself, you stopped thinking that you didn't even get the pork out a collar. You quickly ran back into the store to buy one.

~Time skip~

   You walked back into your house and you grabbed a bowl and put some cat food in it and you grab another Bourne put water in it. You had gotten Asterisk a black collar to match with its dark gray and white fur. His back paws were white as well as the tip of his tail and his right eye. His left ear was tipped White. A pale gray stained his main floor coating, dark grey patterns along his back. You inspected his fur he was really cute. You pet him while you put the collar on while he ate. "I'm going to call you Asterisk." You stated.


To be continued in the next chapter!

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