Chapter 22

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I get up and quietly sneak out so I don't wake America. Eventually I make it to the living room, I see France on the floor sleeping and Russia on the couch with his foot hanging off. I chuckled, and they both jolt up. I jumped a little, I wasn't expecting that. "Y/n why were you in America's room??" They both questioned me. "Uh, I fell asleep in there by mistake" I lied feeling pressured. America soon walks out after me and says good morning to us. We returned it, but France kept eyeing America and Russia kept eyeing France.

Tension was high. So, we just watch TV waiting for everyone else to wake up. It wasn't long before they did. I helped Ukraine make breakfast for everyone. Today was fun, we went to the park I got to go on the swings and this time I didn't land on any people don't worry. France and Russia took turns pushing me. America just swung with me. Today might have been fun.. but everything comes to an end.. I heard gunshots. Everyone did. We quickly gathered everyone made it out, though no one died and we don't know who started shooting, Ukraine was shot in the arm. We rushed her to the nearest hospital. Everything happened so fast. I refused to speak.

Russia was furious. Everyone was on edge. I didn't want to bother, I stayed back so I wouldn't get in the way. Of course I was worried for Ukraine, I just don't want to get up in that. She was taken to the emergency room to get the bullet pulled. Everyone was just sitting here in the waiting room. I was standing in the corner so that no one would sit by me. But of course Russia and France approach me. They're sweet guys, they really are, but something's off about them. That's tear that Russia gave me before when I didn't eat it scared me. The force that he used all my arm just keep me down to eat. France, I don't know. It's just he attached himself to me so quickly oh, I don't know why.

Russia put his arm around my shoulder, France put his arm around my waist. I really didn't want anyone to come to me right now, but I know I needed it so I didn't fight back. I just lean on them both. I hope Ukraine is okay, I mean she's a country.. war is bound to happen, she might have gotten shot before. But I don't know that, I barely know this world. I don't know what its history is, all I know is the history from which I've been told. Britain cough before speaking. "Everyone I'm sure we're all on edge and don't want to leave Ukraine in this state, but I believe she's in good hands. And that we should focus our mind and attention on something more common soothing. The doctors said they would give me a call if anything goes wrong." Russia Scott, Ukraine was his sister, his family not Britain's. Britain shouldn't have that choice, nor should he be able to get that call. but he didn't fight he knew Britain had a point.

Friends kept trying to hold my hand as we all walked out. I got tired of rejecting so I just let him do it. He smiled like a child with candy. It was cute, but I'm not in that mood to be nice. Russian noticed this, he didn't look like he liked it. He held my other hand and inched me closer to him. France obviously noticed this but didn't want to start a huge fight after what had just happened. We all went back to Ukraine's House to watch some movies.


I'm brain dead but I got an idea, short chapters are coming

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