Chapter 15/16

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Chapter 15 ending: 

Always out, and when he came home when I was awake, at night, he was always drunk. Did mom do this to him? Did he love that bitch that much?

Dispute everything she has done to his daughter, to him, to his job, his life, he still loved her? Did he not care what she did to me...? Have I been on my own.. this whole time..? I dont know asterisk that well, and I do think he has something to do with why I'm here... what if.. what if I was brought here because I was alone..? Am I meant to be here? Will I ever even go home...?


I dont know why but it deleted the ending I had typed for chapter 15- so there it is NOW ONTO CHAPTER 16-


CHAPTER 16 (extremely short)

Britain made a call to someone, I think it was France, he said his name so I'm going to assume. A few minutes later a knock was at the door, Russia was laying on the couch while we moved Soviet to the chair. Britain opened the door and France came rushing in. He looked around before looking at me. "chérie! Oh mon amour what happened here? Are you alright? vous n'êtes pas blessé, n'est-ce pas?" (sweetheart oh my love what happened here? Are you alright? Your not hurt are you?) he asked quickly as he came over to me checking for any injuries. "France, I dont know French- also I'm fine." I said chuckling at his behavior.

"Ah I'm sorry, but what exactly happened?" He asked, damn he is adorable. "I'm not really sure myself, Ukraine said something about Soviet trying to find me but thats all I know." I said looking

down at the floor. Hell it seems I caused this yet I dont even know whats happening. I feel so dumb. France took my chin in hand and pulled my gaze up to meet his, "chérie tu n'as pas à t'inquiéter on verra" (darling you don't have to worry we will figure it out) He said softly, is he forgetting i cant understand French? I laughed a bit. "I still dont understand what your saying but I think it was something good." I hugged him tightly, I needed one. He hugged back with no hesitation, I could hear his soft laugh. These people are so nice. Except the elephant in the room, COUGH Soviet COUGH.

"I think we should tie him down and question him." A stern voice spoke up, it sent me shivers, It was America, I will admit his voice was hella nice. Like holy damn is everyone here hot? I cant even think of anyone I know that could even compare to these people. "I agree" Britain spoke. Ukraine allows us to use her basement to tie him down in. Canada and America take him down stairs. Britain goes to get rope and France just nodded and stayed with me and the sleeping Russian.

See you in the next chapter  🖤

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