Chapter 7

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Ukraine, Russia, and y/n decided to go out and eat before shopping. They find a nice place and they eat. Y/n ate a lot, Ukraine found it cute. As soon as they were about to leave they ran into someone. "Oh hi cat lady" Canada said with a wave and a smile. 'He was with the America guy.' y/n thought as she hid behind Russia. Canada made an awkward smile. "Her name is y/n." Russia said firmly, "Ukraine and I are taking her to get new clothes." Canada smiled. "Can I help?" He asked innocently. Y/n found it cute and giggled. Russia gave a annoyed look at Canada. "Russsssiiiiaaaaaaa, pleaaaaaaseeee?" Canada begged. Y/n chuckled at his actions, she poked Russia's back. He turned around and looked down at her. "Can he?" She ask with a shy smile. Russia smiled, "yea you can come." Canada made a victory pose making both Ukraine and y/n laugh.

On the way to the shop Ukraine wanted to try, Y/n stayed closer to Russia, she doesn't trust Canada completely. They arrive at the store and Ukraine instantly drags y/n to the girls section.

~time skip~

Ukraine picked out a small outfit for y/n. A long sleeve f/c (favorite color) sweater, the sleeves go past her hand, with two holes, each hole on the shoulder, and it had a thin soft hoodie. Black leggings. Y/n tried it on and liked it. You decided to pick this one. After buying and waiting for Ukraine to finally pick her clothing, y'all payed and left. The thought of being home rushed into your head. Guilt and sadness fills you.

You stay silent while the other three talk. It's gotten late, you can tell by the breeze and by the sky lights. Russia noticed your silence, he stopped so you could walk beside him. "So did the scarf keep you warmer?" He asked. You remembered his scarf he gave you, you left it tied to a branch to it wouldn't blow away. "Yea, it was better then that old torn hoodie, do you want it back? I can gi-" y/n was cut off by Russia's laughter. "You can keep it." He smiled softly. "T-thank you!" You chirped with a close eyed smile.

"I should probably head back to my-... Tree.. it's late and I don't want to bother you all." Y/n spoke with a nervous chuckle. They all looked a bit saddened, but Ukraine had an idea. "Want to stay at my place just for tonight?" She asked y/n. "Well......." Y/n said hesitantly. Just then it started to sprinkle as a sign or a storm on its way. "I'm not taking no for an answer now." Ukraine giggled. "Fine .... Just for tonight... I have to go grab something real quick tho." Y/n sighed. The three walked with y/n to the edge of the forest, they waited there for her.

Y/n had climbed up on the tree and grabbed the scarf Russia gave her. She jumped down and started towards the trio again. Russia smirked as he sees you grabbed the gifted scarf. "We will walk you guys to Ukraine's house, Kay?" They nod in agreement.


See you in the next chapter! 🖤

See you in the next chapter! 🖤

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