Chapter 15

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Choice B - selected

You stay hidden behind the corner, and you silently watch. "где она!!"(where is she) Soviet yelled at Russia. You dont understand Russian, at all so your quite confused. Ukraine keeps yelling for him to stop and to back off. You look at Russia who is fighting against his fathers grip. His expression, PISSED. Soviet is shoved off by Russia, he almost falls down but the wall catches him, he leans against it while standing up. "даже если бы девушка была там, почему вы думали, что я дам ее вам?"(even if the girl were there, why did you think that I would give her to you?) Russia yells. "отец, я думаю, ты пробыл достаточно долго" (father I think you stayed long enough) Russia stands forward hovering over his father, it seemed to be working but it wasnt true. Soviet runs at Russia and punches him in the face. Ukraine screams not knowing what to do, nor wanting to get hurt if she intervenes.

'What the fuck is happening... Why is he here.. What the fuck are they saying? I should have chosen more languages then Spanish, fuck my life.' You think, frustration is all that you feel. 'I want to help, but how? I cant do anything.' You look at the countries fighting, you dont know if anyone has the upper hand they are just throwing punches and kicks. 'I gotta get Ukraine out of here, maybe she can call for help too.' I slowly look for a way to get to her without being seen. Russia is on top of Soviet and next to the table which is thrown sideways, which is a block way from you to the kitchen which Ukraine is near. You instantly jump behind the table as fast and quite as you can.

You hear someone fall which you assume Soviet got Russia off. You wasted no time, and you got to the kitchen. You instantly grabbed Ukraines hand and led her deeper into the room. She was shocked at first until she saw you. "We need to call someone, these two will fight until they pass out." You said rushed. Ukraine instantly takes out her phone and calls someone, you didnt see it tho. "They are on their way" Ukraine told you after the call. "What is happening? Why is he here?" You ask Ukraine. She looked hesitant before saying, "I think he is looking for you. I dont know how he knows your here or how you even exist, but he is here." She said with a defeated sigh.

When you heard that instant thoughts of your dream. Was that a warning? My tail sways fast, my ears pinned to my head, Ukraine must have noticed and seen this because she holds me close and rubs my back to reassure me, the fighting slowly sets down. I hear a car pull in from outside, I dont look because I dont really care who is here. I hear the front door slam open. Looking past

Ukraine I look to see Canada, America, and Great Britain. Seeing America I instantly hide under the table, Ukraine notices. "He wont hurt you and if he does Russia and I will beat the fuck out of him" she winks. I laugh, I havent heard her cuss yet.

I stay under the table until everything is settled, yelling, crashes, and then civil talking. I slowly come out and peek from the kitchen to see what went down. Russia looks as if he could pass out, Soviet is passed out on the couch, I assume they placed him there. America, Canada, and Great Britain are just talking to Russia, he is faint and he needs air, he has bruises and blood, a few cut I can see but that wasnt from anything big but the broken vase. He seemed stressed, but his gaze softens when he notices me. I have the urge to use tackle him and hug him to death. The others follow his gaze and their eyes meet mine. America looks shocked but nothing more, Great Britain just looks fascinated and Canada, well he looks normal because he already knows me a little.

I hesitantly walk to Russia, my tail instantly wrapped around my leg my ears remained low. I sit by him on the couch, and look at his wounds, he looks tired. America glares at me, Canada goes to Ukraine. I look at Great Britain, his eyes are wide but I wave. He looks shocked but he speaks up. "Hello there, I am Great Britain although I am just called Britain, and you are..?" He asked politely, I like him already. "Y/n, nice to meet you Britain." I hold my hand out to shake it. He grabs mine and he shakes it, he stared at my claws when he did so. I chuckled at his behavior, my tail letting go of my leg and sways. He seems fascinated at my features, he studies my tail and ears. I feel weight on my shoulder, Russia had payed on me, he looks tired and after that fight I dont blame him. I lean against him as well, wrapping my tail around us.

Canada and Ukraine come out of the kitchen together. "What are we going to do with.. him?" Ukraine asked pointing at Soviet. Russia replies quickly. "I saw we lock him up or leave him to die somewhere." His voice was cold, merciless. He puts his arm around me tightly, pulling me closer to him, his eyes straining to stay open. I lean closer onto him, he needs to rest and I want him to, I just dont understand why this asshole showed up now. Looking at him made me rage. "Y/n I do have a few questions for you if you do not mind?" Britain asked. "Sure go ahead" Once i had replied his face light up.

"What are you?" He asked. "Well I was a normal human, keyword: was, i dont exactly know why I have these ears or tail, or even a cat like feature at all, it was all just here when I arrived." I replied. "Where are you from?" (IN THIS STORY YOU ARE FROM MY COUNTRY: Neru my OC CH) "I'm from the country of Neru, but I think thats a different dimension- WAIT If you guys are humans here, does that mean Neru is a human as well?" I had asked eagerly. (More of my OC's will be popping up more ;)) "Britain was shocked but replied. "I do believe so, I think I have heard of her. She isnt a big super-power and I dont really pay mind to her, but I do know she SOMETIMES attends meetings" he had an annoyed tone when he mentioned the meeting part. You chuckled.

"How did you get here?" Britain asked with curiosity. "I dont know, I only remember falling asleep in my room with my cat Asterisk and then I woke up here." I tried not to sound sad, but I guess that failed. "Oh dear I'm sorry if I disturbed you by asking." I gave a soft smile. "No no, dont worry about it." I like it here, I wonder what Jenna and Cassie are doing. I think over my life before I came here. I remember every time Jenna and Cassie would just watch as I was teased, pushed, knocked down. They never did anything to help me. They never invite me to anything. Now that I think about it, did I ever really have friends? Dad, he was never home.

See you in the next chapter 🖤

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