Chapter 13

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France soon left and I was still outside, I didnt want to go back in. For some damn reason I miss my tree by the pond, it was a beautiful place. That got me thinking. Why was Russia there in the first place? I can ask him later. I still have to talk to him about yesterday morning. It scared me, I still dont know why he freaked out. I have the feeling someone either broke in or he had a panic attack or something. I'm not smart when it comes to things but by what I seen in Russia if anyone broke in they are as good as dead.

I sigh, heading back inside when Ukraine called the popcorn is done and the movie is ready. I walk in, suddenly remembering Russia kissed my forehead, brain why the frick would you remember that now of all times. My face heats up. I sit down on the couch, Ukraine please I beg thee, sit in between me and Russiaaaa and she sat to my left. Fuck. Russia sits down next to me, he cuts like nothing happened. That makes me wanna fucking sucker punch that hat off his head. I still dont know what its called. We are watching a movie called 'Chicken Run' (10/10 movie I totally recommend it, WATCH IT ITS BOOTIFUL-) Towards the end of the movie my eyes get heavy. I dont remember much, but I lent against someone before falling asleep.

~Russia POV~

She was leaning against Ukraine, who was asleep as well. I dont know why but i didnt like that, I felt an unpleasant feeling just by looking at it. By now the movie had ended and both girls were sleeping, leaning against each other. They looked like.. A couple. Just by thinking that I wanted to punch myself. I slowly got up and took the bowls of popcorn to the kitchen. There wasnt any small baggies so I took a big ziplock bag and put all our popcorn into one bag. After putting that all away I picked up Ukraine, putting her arm around my neck and slowly dragging her to her room, she may not look big but she is heavy.

When she was tucked under her covers I walk back to Y/n, should I give her medicine before taking her to bed? Suddenly I remember when I kissed her forehead. Damnit brain why now of all times! I look at her sleeping form, curled up, her hair slighting covering the side of her face, her body slighting showing from under the thin blanket. Her tail slighting twitching as she slept. Her ears twitched and her hair was up in a tight ponytail. That looks like it hurts to sleep it. I walk up to her and slowly take the hair tie out, but it was hard to not wake her, that thing was tight as hell.

I run my fingers through her h/t (hair type- basically the type of hair chu got) it was soft, and I couldnt help but just stare at it. I lent down and I smelled her hair, while running my fingers through it. I can her her start to our and her ears twitched. Her breathing so calm, damn she is hot. No snap out of it!! Don't get attached she still has to leave for her world. I should probably talk to EU, UN, NATO, or ASEAN, if none of them know how to get her back to her world. (IM NOT SMART SO I JUST HAD TO LOOK THE UP WHILE WRITING THIS, if I get anything wrong or OP plea lemme know, tank u)

I let go of her hair, her purring is ceasing. Just being by her, every move she makes, its so calming. I want a drink. I dig through the fridge trying to find that vodka pack I saw earlier, swear if Ukraine hid it again ima square up. After what seemed like hours I finally found it. I grab two

bottles and head back to the living room. Y/n is now spread out on the couch, I can hear her snoring now due to her stuffy nose. I should probably give her medicine. Once I find the medicine, I pour some into those measuring cups. I get a water bottle for her to drink after cuz I know this stuff tastes like shit.

I walk to her and place the items on the coffee table in front of the couch. I slowly start to shake her awake. She hisses and tries to claw me away, I chuckle and back away while she curls up again. "Oh no you dont" I said as I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. She yelps loudly and tries to push herself off me."I wanna sleeeeeeeep" she groaned annoyed. I place her down on the couch. "You can when you take your medicine, you keep snoring and your nose is stuffy." I chuckled. She looks at the medicine and instantly turns away.

"No." She hissed. 'Is this a challenge? Well I will gladly accept.' I grinned and pinned her down to the couch, this startled her, adorable. She looked so scared, her e/c widened at my action and her ears dropped low. I noticed her tail wrapping around her leg. She tried to get out of my grasp but I held her down. "Wanna take that medicine now?~" I said innocently. "No." She said once more and tried to push me off. Just take the fucking medicine- Or, you want me to help you? "I take the cup of medicine and I pour it into my mouth. She was confused thinking I was drinking it.

I held it in my mouth and pinned her again. "Personal space please!" She raised her voice. I pushed my lips against hers, she was shocked, her face went pale. Was this her first kiss? Oh well. She wouldnt move, so I tugged her hair a little and she opened her mouth a tiny bit, and I put the medicine that was in my mouth, to hers, and maybe i licked her tongue but thats not important. She just layer there, unmoving after she swallowed. (Dirty rats) I picked her up and took her to her room, she didnt look at me. That was irritating, did she not like the kiss? Or was it because I tricked her?

~Your POV~

He fucking kissed me just to get me to drink my medicine. Oh hell NoOO. That was my fucking first kiss and it didnt even mean ANYTHING!!! He payed me in my bed, and left my room, his face was red. Does he like me or is he trying to lead me on or some shit? I cant trust him.. can I? I dont want to.. he gives me this vibe that I cant explain... Just like his emotions.. I dont think he is a bad guy, no no no, but he isnt good to be around.... France tho... He seems nice, fun, and maybe respectful on personal boundaries..? I dont know yet, so I will try to know him more.

I want to go home, yea its been fun and all... I made friends but I have a life at home. I have a family, I dont wanna leave it behind. Besides he nightmare I had, I'm pretty positive it was a warning. I wonder what dad is doing.. Jenna... Cassie... Oh god now I'm going to cry. And I did. I'm sobbing in bed. I just hope I dont wake anyone up. After an hour I was able to fall asleep. ————————————————————————


See you in the next chapter 🖤

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